Wednesday, September 26, 2007
I was born in the Spring of '81. My parents came to the US from other countries when I was about 9 months old. Needless to say I am so GRATEFUL to live in the US. I grew up in the very culturally diverse part of the Garden State (NJ for those who didn't pay attention in middle school). After a stint of living in the dryer parts of the country (5 years in Utah and 5 years in Colorado) I am back on the east coast catching up with the faster pace.
Fluently, I speak English (most of the time), Spanish, and Slovak. It has certainly been a great fortune to have spent a lot of my time growing up living in foreign countries for a few years, enabling me to see a different view point of the world.
My favorite color is pink, I love animals, and I like sarcasm. I think, I'm just not afraid of getting my feelings hurt, so I don't take people too seriously. More than anything I love self improvement. It is so great to know we can continue to grow and learn our whole life, never having to be stagnant.
Writing has been a passion of mine since I was 7 years old when I wrote my first book! This blog is so much fun, and I love getting better at it every day. My favorite part about it is the ability to speak my MIND and whoever wants to read it, proceed with caution!
I love life. There are ups and there are downs, but learning our way around them is the best part. There is no doubt in me that we are in total control We decide where we want to end up on a daily basis. Thank goodness for that!Every day I work on getting a little better and a little wiser. Whenever I can take someone with me on that journey, EVEN BETTER!The warning is that I'm not afraid to say it like it is. I may be abrupt and raw, but I do not like excuses and there is no room for them in my life. I seek the company of people who feel similarly.