Tune Your Tude
Thursday, September 3, 2009
I got an email today that I couldn't resist sharing! Man, when you think you've got problems, all you have to do is see someone who is conquering demons much bigger than yours and your gratitude gets in check really quickly!
The pictures of this little guy are inspiring! I've never met him, I don't even know his name, but the expression on his pure face shows that he lives for the moments he's got. His vision is clear and he enjoys life just like, or better than, any of us. The caption at the end of the email was: Whatever is bugging you, doesn’t seem so big anymore, does it?
Hats off to this brave little man and to all those similar in struggle to him. Let's not insult these people by wasting away the talents of our bodies in this one life we have to live!

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