Choose Mentors Wisely...
Saturday, August 1, 2009
We've all been in a place and time where we are confronted with an opportunity. It seems great, right down our alley, maybe even "too good to be true." Ever hear that one before?
We are so excited about this new prospect that we just feel overwhelmed. Goosebumps cover our anatomy and we feel inclined to make a huge leap into an unknown world. If we don't make it, we can learn from the experience, but if we do...well, then, we really MAKE IT.
So what do we do? We go home, we
think about it and then we TELL SOMEONE. Most of the time, whom do we tell? Do we tell our experienced business mentor who has been where we are and is now living the life we are desirous to live? Or, do we ask Uncle Frank who sits at home and munches on potato chips while watching T.V. every night?

Usually, we don't "have" a mentor. We don't "know" of anyone that would walk us through decisions like this in life. So instead, we settle for whomever will listen and then foolishly take to heart any guidance that person gives.
The scary part about that is that in the beginning, when you are still learning to condition your mind, NEGATIVE PEOPLE can make sense. You sit there and you let them tell you not to try something new, that your idea is some kind of scheme, and that you should just keep your "real" job like everyone else. You walk away thinking, 'Yeah, Uncle Frank is right,' and you give up on your idea of a new venture.
The thought that usually doesn't cross our mind is "Wait a minute! Uncle Frank is more messed up than I am!" Therefore, what right does he have to give you any advice? He owes YOU money! Get the point?
Whenever you are presented with a new idea, and you ask someone with credibility, then you can be better guided in the right direction. Let's say that instead of asking Uncle Frank for advice you asked someone with business experience and credibility. What kind of differences in answers do you think you would get? Quite varied, would you agree?

So before sharing your thoughts with others in hopes of some guidance and mentoring in your process of coming up with your own answers, be very careful whom you choose and validate their credibility before you do. Most of the time the people that we ask advice from are people very near and dear to us. They may be family and friends and your thoughts might instinctively be that they want what is best for you.
While outwardly this is true, they want so once they are sure they are getting what is first BEST FOR THEM. It's not because they are bad people or because they have manipulative habits. It is simply because they are human, just like you. As humans we fear being outshined! If Uncle Frank supports you in your new business venture and you take off, rocketing toward success faster than any other member of your family, you then take away his excuse.
There is nothing more frightening for a person without vision than to have his/her excuses taken away. Now, you have proved that it can be done, therefore they are just lazily skating through life and everyone can point that out.

After many unsuccessful attempts at freedom, (with the help from his pot-mates) the crab thinks to himself that he is stuck in this situation forever and then he too puts himself into the doom and gloom of his near impending death.
Our life is similar if we are not careful. So explore life fully. When those near to you offer advice of caution and fear, smile at them and move right along. Find those who believe in the power of a dream and who have followed after such in their life. You are too precious to be dragged back into a pot of mediocrity. GO FOR GREATNESS!
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