Embarrassing Moments...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I remember very vividly being 12 years old on New Years Eve. I lived in a foreign country, so the "fire-crackers" that people buy and use in front of their house were a little different caliber than the ones you can buy here in the States. Our family was shooting them off wayyy before midnight, as were other families all around us.

We finally finished up a round of them, and I pleaded with my dad to do just ONE more..."PUH-LEEEEASE??" I blabbered. Of course a father has a hard time resisting his daughter and he said "okay, get two more from upstairs and we'll light those."

Glee was the the highest emotion in my nervous system at the moment and I couldn't even try containing it. I dashed into our house and headed towards our stairs. There was a door in our entry way which you would think was a closet but it actually opened up into the stairway. So in I went, ran to the container of fire crackers, and after grabbing my two favorite (aka loudest and biggest) I ran right back down stairs with these weapons in my hand.

I took each stair two by two and I jumped off the last few steps as I normally did. While I was mid-air I heard a LOUD, THUNDEROUS "BOOOOOOOOOOOM" and I was knocked out. Next thing I remember I was waking up with my entire family around me trying to figure out if I was okay.

"What happened?" Everyone was uttering.

"The fire crackers went off!"

"What?? Where? Are you kidding?" Their disbelief was very confusing.

"The loud explosion! Didn't you hear it?" How can they act like nothing just happened? Firecrackers just went off in my HAND! Helloooo!

Just then everyone started laughing. Not just a chuckle as if they were relieved to see I was okay, but I gut filled laugh as if they heard the funniest thing of the year (which must have topped the list, considering it was the last day of the year).

Then I realized what just happened. I looked at my hand and it still clutched the two firecrackers I had snatched on my way down stairs. And as I felt the throb in my head I realized as I jumped down the last few steps my head hit the top of the doorway that led out of the stairs. My blood curling scream from the hit scurried everyone in to see what happened.

Needless to say, I was MORTIFIED! Nobody else was. Everyone else just laughed, and laughed. You know what? When I think back on it now, I just Laugh also. Right along with them, way back when as if it were as funny as it must have been to see.

It seems that many times we allow ourselves to be controlled by fear of feeling embarrassed. Think about it? We don't talk to the prospects we need to because we're afraid of what they'd think. We don't tell everyone our goals because we fear they might chuckle at the thought. We certainly don't live up to our potential on a daily basis for the unimaginable feeling of leaving our comfort zone.

The part that makes this all silly is that we end up laughing at oursleves in the end anyway! Save yourself the trouble and let go now. Laugh all along the way. Make every moment a fun one and don't give in to the thoughts of others. Make today count without fear!


Business Advice from Successful Entrepreneur: DANIEL ALONZO

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Coaching tips from one of the nation's leading business leaders:

"Be accountable to a mentor. If you don't have one, you must find one that you can report to daily. It must be someone that will build your credibility with others.
Your ultimate goal in business should be to become OBSESSED with being Financially Independent.
To do that you can't be the status quo! Don't be afraid to put your head down, bury it in the sand if you have to, for a five year run, and then be TOTALLY free.
When you focus on building people, your goals will automatically happen for you. Do so by outworking your competition. There are no room for flakes in business! Don't think you can just "wing it" and make it. Self improvement should be a daily priority so that no one can come to you and say you weren't able to give them what they needed.
In alignment with building people, always show unconditional commitment and be slow to criticize. Your confidence needs to be enough to know and say that you are the best in your field.
If your family's more important to you than anyone else out there, it really doesn't matter what others think of you. Say things to yourself such as: 'Great things always happen to me', 'I'm so lucky', 'I have a million dollars saved', etc. Instead of the other things we say to ourselves all the time.

Go for it! Go for greatness! You are VERY important! Don't ever take that for granted."

~Taken from a business conference call on July 28, 2009. Daniel has built a successful financial services business in approximately five year's time. He is consistently cashflowing between $800,000-$900,000 per year in his early 30's. His business background was non existent until he decided to go for it and build a legacy for his family.


Mental Exercise - Self Confidence

Monday, July 27, 2009

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall...

If people understood just how power self esteem is in the grand context of all we try to accomplish, then they would easily see "what" is the biggest asset to work on daily. It's not necessarily being the best presenter or the hardest worker. Although, those areas are of utmost importance, without belief that you are everything you want to be, that all the power and potential you require is already in you, the goals you set for yourself will never be able to become reality.

This following exercise can be powerful if done with full intent.

Follow the steps as you read them. It is best not to read ahead on this one.

1. Stand in front of a mirror and admire yourself out loud (I am beautiful, I have nice eyes, I have a great smile, I have a kind personality, I am a generous giver, I am a great friend, etc.) This part is harder than you think. Try to do as much as you can.

2. Separate a sheet of paper into two columns. I AM and I WANT TO BE

3. Fill in those columns as best you can

The point at the end of this is to see how easily and quickly you are able to come up with great things to say about yourself. Most people who do this exercise have quite the easy time coming up with things in the "I WANT TO BE" column, but find it harder to look in the mirror and then write about all the things that are magnificent about themselves.

This can be a powerful mind exercise, because we truly learn how we talk to ourselves. Although you may view it as a positive to have goals to become better (and you will always have them), you have to be careful. If you can easily come up with traits you want to be, it means right now you are seeing yourself as opposite.

So, if you put that you want to be thin, you see yourself as fat. If you want to be successful, you see yourself as a failure. You cannot have two different realities at the same time. Now your job is to believe in yourself and change the fact that you don't see yourself as already who you are in the process of becoming.

How to change your mind on your own self viewpoints? Phrase 2 or 3 key affirmations that state in the present how you should see yourself. "I am thin and trim", or "I succeed in anything I do", etc. Repeat these affirmations on a daily basis. Do this for a month, and if you were consistent, and quoted your affirmations with feeling you will begin to see yourself in a new light. The light that has been there all along.



Welcome! You are about to be blown away! Well, I sure was when I first learned all the principles of the Law of Attraction.

The thought of manifesting that which you desire seems so metaphysical to some, they are too scared to learn more. Really, it's only a few set of rules, that work EVERY TIME, whether you are believing them, or not.


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