Thursday, August 27, 2009

Okay, okay, we want to grow and develop as humans inhabiting this earth for goodly purposes, right? Yeah, okay, so what about T.V.? Is television really something we should nix from our lives in order to keep our head on straight?

I have conflicting thoughts on this and personally would like clarity once and for all. The truth is, that TV really is addicting. You get to know characters in your favorite shows and your schedule seems to revolve around what's going on in the life of so and so on a stranded island or in a hospital. Sounds kinda silly when you view it that way. But let's go a little passed that world. Let's talk about the kind of shows that have no plot, no actors, and really no point...yeah, you got it: REALITY SHOWS.

What is up with our fascination with reality shows? All day long we actually live in "reality" so to speak. We get to wake up, face our day and relive it one sunup to sundown at a time. Why then, do we loooove to turn on a glass box and watch someone else's reality? Now don't get me wrong. I love a good show just like anyone else. But why? What is it really that is drawing us to them? Is our reality not good enough? Whether we are watching people dancing or just living in a house together, we are missing something that apparently we are getting from those people.

In our mission to grow to new heights and accomplish new things we need to see options. We need to know what at all might even be available so that our mind may conceive something similar for which to reach. Do we find that through these shows? Or do we actually begin to loose our vision from them?

When we watch shows that are scripted, at least we follow a storyline. We follow a plot and our mind stays focused on what the end result will be. Although it's not much, it still is some activity and gets our wheels turning. When we watch shows that just follow people's lives, we just suck ourselves up in other people's drama. Hello? Do we not have enough of our own? From dating to weight loss, we watch people go through their dilemmas. It's not like we are learning ways to overcome our obstacles, because since these reality shows are set up in such non real world fashion, it would be almost impossible to come up with their same results!

Biggest Loser? Do you have 12 hours a day to work out, have a trainer by your side constantly and a chef making you ONLY healthy and proportionate meals? Are you an eligible bachelorette with thirty men at your footstep to pick off, one by one, until you find your perfect match? Yeah, didn't think so! So in "reality" all we do by watching these shows is add more coffee room office drama to our lives and have someone else to talk about.

Extraordinary people talk about ideas; average people talk about events; and small minded people talk about other people.

So am I saying cut out the reality TV? Well, that probably would be a healthy choice. But no, who am I to say what you should or shouldn't do. If you are going to watch stuff like that, though, be careful not to let it consume your conversation. What you talk about expands in your life, and frankly who cares that you get more reality show in your life? What matters is that you expand YOUR OWN reality, right?

There's my two cents for the day! ON TO YOUR SUCCESS!


Too Much of a Good Thing?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

So here's a question for you: Is it possible to "Self Improve" to excess? I mean, really? There are some incredible resources out there for us to grow and develop ourselves daily. There are PLENTY of these resources. In fact, no one in one single life time could possibly get through each and every item available today, let alone all the other stuff coming out on a daily basis. You have everything from books, magazines, videos, interviews, seminars, etc. Can someone, then, who really loves this stuff, get too much of it?

I know people who self improve. Some more than others. Some feel the need to grow for themselves and other feel the need to "push" their newfound ideas on others. Some change their systems on a weekly basis due to new findings. Some do nothing differently at all. Of course, there are a select few, who actually study what they read, and apply what matters most to them, and you can see positive changes in their lives because of it.

So where is the line drawn? How much self improving can one do, before it really is just doing no good? Before the movie "BEYOND the Secret" (Basically a follow up to "The Secret" that helps you understand how you can actually implement the Law of Attraction into your life) came out, they had a panel discussion with some of the guests on the movie. Leeza Gibbons was the MC at the event and she preluded the evening with identifying several types of people who are interested in this kind of material.

She called one type of people "Secret Freaks." She tried to cover it up as an endearing term of people who are 'fans' of the Law of Attraction and view the teachers as celebrities of sorts. It dawned on me, that she might not be too far off.

I know when I pick up a Self Improvement book, I love it. I eat it up. Everything about the book usually gets me in an emotional and intellectual kind of 'high', but then, many many many a times, I put the book away and continue living my life as if I hadn't read a thing. Sometimes, I make changes, and I guess those are the times it counts.

Quite a few of the people in my life read self improvement material on a constant basis. Some of them can have a full day's worth of a conversation with you on the subject, and afterwords you would feel as if you've met an expert in that field. However, you look at their life and you would be hard pressed to take anything they say with any credibility.

Sometimes I wonder if simply reading and watching the stuff out there gives people that high that gets them excited about the stuff, and they pick up another book just to feel that way again. Not really changing much, but wanting to, keeping that hope alive.

I guess you could be doing too much self improving if all you are doing is self improving. If you don't take action on the material you learn, then really you aren't moving in any direction at all. We all know, 'when you are stagnant, you are dying.' I think this can happen whether you read two books a year or two hundred. The purpose is to act, to move, to really change from the inside out.

Even though this is one of our challenges as human beings, taking it one step at a time is all we need to do. Change a little bit, day by day, and then look at your life over the course of a year. You don't have to conquer the world this weekend, that will come in due time. Continue to self improve, but put a little bit of action behind each word you take in, and that is how we'll truly experience the goals we set out for ourselves.

In the meantime...DREAM BIG!


What is the Thing You Speak of?

Friday, August 21, 2009

Whenever I use my facebook account, I usually like to post quotes of successful people. There are usually a handful of people who comment on them (and a lot of times, those comments are meant as sarcasm).

However, when I post a question such as "What is your favorite movie of all time?" it seems everyone comes out of the woodwork and puts their two cents in.

Why is that?

Why is it that on serious subjects, such that may even have the potential to help you think in a new direction, many people either don't know what to say, or don't feel like saying anything? Why is it that when you comment about superficial, everyday activities (i.e.; 'I'm feeling blah today...', 'I've got so much to do today', or the infamous, 'It's party time tonight') that people feel comfortable contributing?

Is it because we as a society find it hard to accept the ability to rise above mediocre thinking? Is it because the effort of commenting on an activity such as movie going or partying is much easier? Or is it simply because we don't talk enough about changing and growing as we do about the drama in the latest tabloid magazine?

Don't get me wrong! I love movies, I love drama, I love having fun. I also want to change, and to grow. Finding the balance is what it is all about. We'll probably die trying to find that balance, too. In the meantime, it would be nice to see more people being concerned with their mental growth as much as they're concerned with the latest actress' boyfriend's sister's uncle's babysitter. You know?

The good/bad news is that we cannot change anyone. There is nothing we can do about what others are thinking about, we can only do something about what we're thinking about. That is great news because, again, it puts us in control. For that, we should always be grateful!




Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Of course you couldn't imagine I would even mention the movie "Dead Poets Society" and not write on the illustrious "CARPE DIEM" message! In fact, it is really the most powerful message in history! Seize the day! Live in the moment! Enjoy each breath you get to take!
This message really hit home to me this last time I watched the movie, because I've been under a lot of stress lately with the business and life in general. The reason stress exists is because we're always looking into what will happen in the future. Although planning is a most necessary step in our life, living for the future is not getting you closer to your goals. If you're always looking to the next day, when you get there, you will not have the time to enjoy it because, you guessed it, you're already pinning your eyes on the day after that!

This is a quote I got in my inbox this morning from Earl Nightingale. A quote could not describe the message of Carpe Diem more accurately than this one does.

"Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored."
~Earl Nightingale
Mr. Nightingale was a profound self improvement master long before DPS was released. Yet, even as old as all these teachings are, we haven't evolved the part of our brain that easily allows us to bask in the light of this day, the thrills of this moment, or the chaos of our current circumstance.

Let today be a day where you savor each moment. Look at each minute as a gift and be grateful you have breath in you to even concern yourself with whatever challenge you may be facing. Soon enough it will pass, and you will be in a good spot again, make sure you enjoy every second of that as well!




Saturday, August 15, 2009

My favorite movie of ALL time is Dead Poets Society. If you've never watched it, and if you really listen to the message, it is a message of change and progression, for if not we stagnate and die. Really, some of the quotes are so powerful, and the example of leadership played by the main teacher "Mr. Keating" (as portrayed by actor Robin Williams) is truly unique and absolutely remarkable. I'll take this post into two parts, again, not to dilute the lesson it's trying to convey.

Today I want to write about what I learned again from watching the movie AGAIN (probably for the 100th time). Really, Mr. Keating's message is one of hope and aspiration. His work is centered around reaching the young minds of his students and implanting them with a desire to succeed, but to be unique in being themselves. One of my favorite quotes is right in the beginning when he says, "You're in a battle, gentleman, for your hearts and souls!"

That perfectly describes our journey through this life! It's a battle to keep true to who we very deep inside. A battle that if lost, will loose our beings to the traps of mediocrity and non-achievement. Very powerful if you think about how we've been doing in "our" battle up until this point in time.

One of the most famous scenes in the first half of the movie is when Mr. Keating stands up on his desk, and then encourages his students to all take a turn doing the same. His point is to help them see the world from a different angle. A different perspective. He encourages this as a way of gaining new insight and revolutionary ideas in solving life's challenges and discovering grand opportunities.

I asked myself yesterday, "how often do I look at things from new angles?" Surprisingly we stay stuck in the same mental rut as we always have been, yet expect things to change! (That is the definition of insanity, by the way) Albert Einstein said, "You can never solve a problem on the level on which it was created." Now if that's not one of the most brilliant things ever spoken, I don't know what is. That quote is exactly what Mr. Keating was doing on his desk. By standing up there, you can view the world in a different scene and be on a different level. When we are faced with challenges, whether they be personal, family, or business related, the best way out of them is to look for new angles. Look for a new opening. Look for the opportunity.

Basically, stop focusing on the damn problem! The more we talk about the sorrows we have, the more we speak of the insurmountable obstacles we face, well, then, the more we have those situations come into our life. So let's implore together to stand on a desk today (figuratively speaking, but if you're inclined to actually do so, be my guest:o). Let's look at the way life is going FROM A TOTALLY NEW PERSPECTIVE. What are the possibilities ahead? What are the goals we want to achieve. What is the ideal target? Then let us put our undivided focus upon that end result. Minute by minute until we have come to our planted destination. Worth a shot, right? MAY YOU SORE TO NEW HEIGHTS TODAY!


Affirmations for YOUR Day

Friday, August 14, 2009

Affirmations can be powerful if applied daily. Many of us don't take the time necessary to really see the benefit of using them. I am a big fan of visuals. It is definitely easier to watch a two minute video than to take out a pen and paper every day. Not to say one is a better form than another, but at least by playing these affirmations to yourself daily instead of say, watching or reading the morning news, a shift in vibrations is sure to occur.

We are always one decision away from creating our dream life. It's something we've heard over and over, so why not prove it? Making good choices more frequently will lead to a more fulfilling life. Get on with it then!


Look Inside First...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

When the sounds without seem too loud
as if you're sucked right in the crowd;
you're in a place to make a thought
to analyze what you've been taught.

There will be many ways to choose.
You can decide what plan to use.
But how to know which way to go?
Simply put, just go with the flow.

It's time to stop seeking advice
from those who try hard to be nice.
You cannot find answers "out there"
Your answers aren't "anywhere."

Each and every single moment
save yourself some hefty lament.
Your guidance instilled deep within
will always lead you to the win.

It may seem hard at first to hear
wisdom you've always held so near.
The only thing you need to see
is the person YOU want to be.

Once that fact has been decided
you'll amaze what you've invited.
The doors of hope have opened up.
Now you're free to fill your cup.

So fill it up with abundance.
Think thoughts that bring your mind to dance.
You are on the verge of new heights
because you've trusted your own sights.

~Eneida Canev Pinto

**May you reach the limits of your eternal imagination**



Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Well, I promised you two life altering lessons. Here's the second thing I learned last week.

As have many of you, my husband and I decided a while back to get out of the rat race and build a business for ourselves and our families. As exciting as a decision like that can be, it is also very daunting. The commitment to build a successful operation is a commitment paralleled to none other. Things get tough. Really tough. Some times (a lot of times) you have the unyielding desire to just quit, go back to a job where all is comfy and secure (yeah right) and just live day to day with your biggest worries being the bar-b-q this coming weekend.

However, when you make a commitment to go for it in business, no matter what business it is, you have to be prepared to get kicked. The winners just get up and kick back.

I've been going through one of those roller coasters lately, really trying to determine if I want to keep pushing with our original goal of financial independence. Honestly, when you write it out like that you realize how silly your concern really is. I mean, if you have such a lofty goal, how can you expect it to not be tough? But really, going through it sucks, and you just wonder if you're really cut out for it.

The silly part comes in right there. And the lesson I learned really smacked me in the face. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN : ARE YOU CUT OUT FOR IT?" Are you really cut out for a job? Are you cut out for being broke? Are you cut out for being AVERAGE (which in today's world means miserable and tired)?

I heard a business speaker giving his feelings on when he was going through the same thing say something really profound. He spoke about when he was younger, broke, and trying to make it in business. He and his wife were on the brink of giving up and doing the regular routine of daily American life. Then he stopped, looked around and stated that he really didn't have much to save. He had an apartment, a good credit score and maybe $10,000 in the bank. His thought was that it would be silly to go get a job to protect the little he had available. Why not go for broke and run a chance at having it all? So, needless to say, he chose the latter and is living a dream life today.

The part that really inspired me was the truth of the fact that we get scared and tired and want to go back to our lives before we had dreams, for what? To save the "little" bit we have. For some of us, it's way less than what I described in the speaker's assets. We want to protect our butt from the storm, wheras if we went for it, all out took a chance on ourselves, not caring what others thought, we could reach a dream far better than what we were able to imagine.

I got re-energized. I now know that I can keep on keeping on. After all, I really have nothing to loose but the baggage.




Monday, August 10, 2009

This weekend was packed for me! Not so much because of any activities in general, or because of a schedule full of errands. No, it was packed mentally. I think I've learned two of the most important lessons of my life, just from this last weekend alone. You never know when these diamonds are going to polish out for you, just always be ready to catch them. As the saying goes, "when the student is ready, the teacher appears."

I don't want to dilute the importance of either of the two thoughts that completely changed the way I see myself and the world around me, so I'll explain them one day at a time. Today I'll speak of the first lesson I learned. Oddly enough, I learned it from my husband. He's a man who's is much smarter than he gives himself credit for, and I really get incredible insights from him all the time.

This weekend we were on the computer finishing up a website for our business. If you've ever worked on a project for a long time with anyone, especially your spouse, it's clear that tensions can fly high. My husband is clever and witty with words and many times he cracks me up to the point of tears. However, when you are frustrated, your mind picks out different connotations and of course thwarts the whole conversation.

He cracked a joke, and I took it personally. I scowled at him and hoped he knew I was upset. After the scowl I also 'let him have it.' I gave him a piece of my mind, but I didn't feel better. Then, in his hidden wisdom, he said to me, "Why do you take things so personally? Take yourself out of what I said and you would think it's funny."

In that immediate instant, I took the sentence he spoke to me (which originally sent my nerves flying sky high), and took my own self out of it. You know what? It was actually pretty funny. Had I not let myself get so stressed from the work we had been putting in I probably would have done that in the first place. He wasn't trying to offend me, he was just trying to be funny. After I took myself out of it, I realized the situation for what it was. After that, I really lightened up.

How many times do we take a situation and twist its meaning until it is hurting us in a foolish way? The harm we bring on ourselves is shocking, especially when we want to blame others for the feeling. My lesson #1 for this weekend? Take yourself out of it. If someone cracks a joke, don't take it personally. If you are offered constructive criticism, take your personal self out of it and improve. Of course, abuse and offensive behavior is another point. When you are faced with something of that nature, make sure corrective action is taken. However, when you know you might just be a little tired, maybe a little down, be careful not to take yourself so seriously. If someone says something that you are inclined to be upset at; first take yourself out. Are you still upset or does it make sense, now? If the latter is true, you have just saved yourself time in agony. MAY YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY!


***Sweet Vibrations***

Saturday, August 8, 2009

I love the fact that I am now aware of the Law of Attraction. How many people walk around in this beautiful world unknowingly creating the life they lead. If all of us could have a simple peek at the fact that we are really in charge of where our life leads, surely, many of us would choose different paths.

If you are familiar with the original version of the movie, "The Secret" you would have been introduced to Esther Hicks. (You can do a search with her name in it on the bottom of this blog and find more information on her) She really talks deep down to the core of our source energy.

Here is a video of her chaneling a "rampage" of invincibility. Really, she is getting you to focus so intently on the words she uses which then put you into a vibrational state of positivity; allowing you to attract a different quality of experiences in your life. Take a look, how do you feel after she's done?


Tell Me What You WANT...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

What are some of your goals? What are some of your dreams? For those of us who never really have been in a position to truly examine those might seem like a far fetched idea to even have such things! The reality is that we are never too old, or too unavailable to reach what we desire. The real challenge, though, comes when we get passed that.
When we are too scared to tell others what we want, because we fear their reaction. It seems most of our actions as humans on this planet come from our need to feel accepted. We feel intimidated to dream big or to go for an uncommon goal because we don't want to look foolish in front of others. What a load of crock that is!
My dream car is the new SMART car. I say this and as you read it most of you probably just chuckled. I don't care! I really love those cars! Most of my friends and family have given me nothing but grief through their teasing about this car. They give me a hard time and each time they see one they laugh and send me a picture of it on my phone.

But.....WHO CARES? I want it! That is a goal I have! Why would it matter to me what others think about it? At least I have the guts to have a goal, no matter how big, small, silly, great, or otherwise you think it might be. When our fear of others grows dimmer we become stronger. It will allow us to reach for the stars while others stand around and point.
Imagine if you knew that for ONE day you could go out and talk to anybody about anything and you knew for 100% surety that they would SUPPORT you. That not a single soul that whole day would mock you, intimidate you, tease you, laugh at you, or scorn you. EVERY SINGLE SOLITARY person with whom you come into contact will do as you ask and move you in the direction of your goal. IMAGINE what all you could accomplish. The feeling of surety, and power, and of self confidence you would have could not be toppled, because inside you have the utmost belief that all will turn out well.
Most of us, however, walk around scared. Scared to approach others with ideas and goals, because we fear their rejection and their lack of respect for what we have to offer. By growing our mind, our thinking, and elevating ourselves to a level that demands respect, that fear can grow dimmer and dimmer...until one day it is completely extinguished.
So dream big! Set your sights high! Be BOLD in your aspirations!


Cheer Up!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

There are days that just don't go the way you would like. It is inevitable that as we are here on this planet, in this human form, we are going to deal with situations with which we are not pleased. I thought about this deeply yesterday, as I was going through one of "those days." Today is much better, and as usual, passage of time allows us to heal.

During the healing process there are usually certain things that trigger a peaceful response and allow us to accept things as they are. I was sitting in my home in the late afternoon after a hard day. My husband and I agreed that we must have been vibrating at a low frequency because almost every conversation we had with others that day resulted in an unappealing manner. So I sat there meditating on changing my frequency. I want light and goodness and positivity in my life, so it is therefore up to me to achieve it.

As I sat there my two dogs, Meghan and Bailey, were faithfully by my side. As if by some ESP they knew something was amiss. One of my dogs then proceeded to put her head on my lap in a comforting manner and I couldn't help but smile. Then it dawned on me! How quickly we can change our state! For that one second in time I was instantly happy again. So I focused on them for a little while, petting them, talking to them, playing with them, etc.

Although the challenges of the day did not instantly go away, I felt lighter. That is after all the first step to changing your course in life. So I appreciate the presence of my dogs in this crazy life I lead; them and their ability to make life sweeter. I encourage you to find something that can distract you in moments of doubt and trouble. Something that can lead you in the direction of happiness and can begin to guide your ship toward a safer harbor! So to all our furry creatures with whom we share this planet, I say: THANK YOU=o)!


Greener Grass

Monday, August 3, 2009

Have you ever heard the expression "The grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence?"

Obviously cliches have a chance to stand their value within the test of time because they generally ring true for the majority. How many times have you wished you were somewhere else, thinking that a new circumstance would get you to a higher station in life? We've all been there.

One of the most insightful comments I had ever heard came from a young lady I interviewed for a position in our business. She couldn't have been more than twenty years old, but the wisdom she brought to the table stayed with me for a long time.

Her childhood experience had gone through rough patches and beyond. Her relationship with her folks was less than harmonious and she was barely getting by financially. She had a boyfriend with whom she lived and one day they were rehashing life's plans. Her ultimate conclusion was to get away! She felt as if everything would be better if they could simply change their location and start "fresh" somewhere else.

Her boyfriend then stopped her and wisely beyond his youth explained the following to her:

"All that will change if we move somewhere else is the place where we live! Nothing else changes. You are still you and I'm still me, just now somewhere else!"

With that tiny, albeit valuable, pearl of wisdom I realized that it's not the problems or our surroundings that need to change. We as individuals need to change. Not just in minor ways, either. We need to transform our thinking into such giants of mind that the same challenges that perplex us daily would seem as minor annoyances at worst. See really, it's not the size of the problem that really matters to us all that much. When we are bothered it is the size of "us" that keeps us in a state of frustration.

During our journey in life, if we take it upon ourselves to learn how the mind works, adapt new ways of thinking, and constantly surround ourselves with powerfully positive thinkers, we have no choice but to move along our path in a direction that will bring us happiness and success. TO YOUR CONTINUED GROWTH!


Choose Mentors Wisely...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

We've all been in a place and time where we are confronted with an opportunity. It seems great, right down our alley, maybe even "too good to be true." Ever hear that one before?

We are so excited about this new prospect that we just feel overwhelmed. Goosebumps cover our anatomy and we feel inclined to make a huge leap into an unknown world. If we don't make it, we can learn from the experience, but if we do...well, then, we really MAKE IT.
So what do we do? We go home, we think about it and then we TELL SOMEONE. Most of the time, whom do we tell? Do we tell our experienced business mentor who has been where we are and is now living the life we are desirous to live? Or, do we ask Uncle Frank who sits at home and munches on potato chips while watching T.V. every night?

Usually, we don't "have" a mentor. We don't "know" of anyone that would walk us through decisions like this in life. So instead, we settle for whomever will listen and then foolishly take to heart any guidance that person gives.
The scary part about that is that in the beginning, when you are still learning to condition your mind, NEGATIVE PEOPLE can make sense. You sit there and you let them tell you not to try something new, that your idea is some kind of scheme, and that you should just keep your "real" job like everyone else. You walk away thinking, 'Yeah, Uncle Frank is right,' and you give up on your idea of a new venture.
The thought that usually doesn't cross our mind is "Wait a minute! Uncle Frank is more messed up than I am!" Therefore, what right does he have to give you any advice? He owes YOU money! Get the point?
Whenever you are presented with a new idea, and you ask someone with credibility, then you can be better guided in the right direction. Let's say that instead of asking Uncle Frank for advice you asked someone with business experience and credibility. What kind of differences in answers do you think you would get? Quite varied, would you agree?

So before sharing your thoughts with others in hopes of some guidance and mentoring in your process of coming up with your own answers, be very careful whom you choose and validate their credibility before you do. Most of the time the people that we ask advice from are people very near and dear to us. They may be family and friends and your thoughts might instinctively be that they want what is best for you.
While outwardly this is true, they want so once they are sure they are getting what is first BEST FOR THEM. It's not because they are bad people or because they have manipulative habits. It is simply because they are human, just like you. As humans we fear being outshined! If Uncle Frank supports you in your new business venture and you take off, rocketing toward success faster than any other member of your family, you then take away his excuse.
There is nothing more frightening for a person without vision than to have his/her excuses taken away. Now, you have proved that it can be done, therefore they are just lazily skating through life and everyone can point that out.
If you throw a crab into a pot with other crabs already inside, it will naturally want to crawl out. However, the other crabs have already been sitting in there for a while and have conditioned themselves to enjoy the bottom of that pot, not knowing that gallons of scalding water will soon turn into their demise. When they see this vibrant, young newcomer automatically reach for the top of the pot to crawl out and back to freedom, they will begin reaching up with their claws and drag that newbie back into the pot.
After many unsuccessful attempts at freedom, (with the help from his pot-mates) the crab thinks to himself that he is stuck in this situation forever and then he too puts himself into the doom and gloom of his near impending death.
Our life is similar if we are not careful. So explore life fully. When those near to you offer advice of caution and fear, smile at them and move right along. Find those who believe in the power of a dream and who have followed after such in their life. You are too precious to be dragged back into a pot of mediocrity. GO FOR GREATNESS!


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