Greatest Time of the Year...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

I just wanted to take this moment to truly wish all of you a great holiday season. I hope your Christmas celebrations were awesome and that you're taking some time before the New Year rings in to set in writing some of your most important goals, resolutions, or whatever you may call them. Decide to make 2010 the best year your life has yet seen and do some unbelievable things with the gifts of breath you get each day. I truly pray that success, well being, and lots and lots of love surround you on your journey to new heights this year and that you will do some things that will ever surprise you! Thank you for taking this journey with me so far, and I look forward to many more blogging days ahead!



Your Choice...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

We live in a victim society. It's never our own fault, it's always someone else causing our lives to be the way they are. A long list of responsibility shirking phrases exist all around us and pop up on a daily basis. Have you heard any of these:

That's not my job.

I wasn't told.

I didn't know.

It's all his/her fault.

I was screwed over.

You make me so mad.

My spouse spends all the money.

The traffic was horrible.

I'm sick.

I can't find a baby sitter.

etc. etc.

Here's a news flash: your life is your own fault. Now, are there circumstances where things fall out of your control? Yes. Does that mean you completely loose your ability to choose your response? No. See the difference?

What I've realized is that we have the gift every day to choose our paths and choose our ideas. Let's use that gift of choice to move us in the direction of peace, joy, fun...instead of the other way around.

So, next time you're in a position where you want to use an excuse, stop for a moment, take a breath, take responsibility for the way you're going to react & then use the situation to stay in control of your own life.

(This concept is at the top of the list of financial strengths, by the way!)


The Whole TRUTH

Friday, December 18, 2009

Since so many people refinance for the immediate gratification, they get stuck in mortgages that they wouldn't wish upon even their worst enemies! You think that's an exaggeration? Well, tell me if you agree:

A balloon mortgage...payments stay low for a period of time and come the last payment on your mortgage: $467,840...yep, because you just paid interest the whole what is your option at that point? Either pay it off or get another mortgage...EVIL!!

You could also get stuck with an interest only loan...payments are low because ALL YOU ARE PAYING IS INTEREST! There's a more efficient way to just pay interest on your home and have someone else take care of the property for's called renting!

ARM (Adjustable Rate Mortgage)...this usually comes with a fixed rate the first 3-5 years and them you think it normally adjusts to benefit you by lowering or to benefit the mortgage company by raising? Yep, you're starting to see this aren't you?

Pick a Payment....this type of mortgage can be deadly, because you'll get a bill and then the company puts three different totals that would be acceptable as an amount due. High Middle and Low....which one do you think most people choose? Yes, LOW...sometimes middle...the low payments actually amortize negatively and in 5 years or so you'll have to refinance or pay the back end amount or you lose your house!...ohhh but you're smart and will pay the middle right? Usually that's the interest only option, so there again, you're renting. SCARY!

These are just a few instances of mortgage types available...REMEMBER! Refinancing should be taken into account on a long term basis! Are you able to wrap up your debts and now use your freed up money to accelerate the whole thing? Will you refinance your 27 years left into a 15 year term? Those are the important questions.


The four boxes above are titled:





in that order.
The Truth in Lending Statement is one of the most important sheets in your HUGE stack of papers you get as you are signing the acceptance of your loan. It's called "Truth" for a reason, they have to disclose the truth for you.
Look in those four boxes...Does the APR differ from your note rate? Usually does. The APR is the rate you'll pay after all fees are included into the loan. When you think your rate is 5.5% and then you see that your APR says 7.25% you've been hosed. Usually you don't want to see more than a percentage point higher on the APR...and that's almost pushing it. We'll talk about fees in another post.
What is the most important number on that sheet? THE TOTAL COST! You need to reduce that number no matter what it takes...the quicker you pay, the more you apply to it, the less interest dollars you'll pay. DO YOU YOUR HOMEWORK!

When you see the entire Truth in Lending document, in the second big box you'll be able to see what type of mortgage you own, and how the payments are applied. Check on this sheet whether your mortgage says fixed or if it has the "Variable" box checked. You'd be surprised how many people I've met with who would bet their first born child on the fact that their mortgage is fixed, and when we pull this baby out, we can really tell the TRUTH...hey...I'm just the messenger.
Pull you Truth in Lending document out today, review it, and then determine where you stand. Until you get smart about this stuff, you'll end up always shrugging your shoulders and wondering why you're broke. Don't let that end up being you!


Paying Off Early

Thursday, December 17, 2009

So, to continue the last post...

Understanding the reasons behind a refinance are of the most critical importance. Keep it in the forefront of your mind why you are doing it, otherwise you will continue in the vicious cycle of refinancing every 2-5 years so that you can free up a bit of money, and before you know it you'll be 60 years old wondering how come you still have thirty years left on your mortgage!

One thing you get offered by mortgage companies is the option to set up a biweekly program. Paying your mortgage payment biweekly can be a great option, especially if you get paid every two weeks. The point of doing so is to pay a thirty year mortgage down in 25-26 years. Why not cut off 4-5 years right?

Here's the part you need to watch for. Most mortgage companies charge you a set up fee for this biweekly service. I have seen anywhere from $100 - a full month's mortgage payment. Either you pay that set up fee out of your pocket or they gladly attach it to the end of your loan for which you will undoubtedly pay interest dollars. After the set up fee, you may also incur a "per payment" or "draft" fee to help them offset their costs of drafting out of your account automatically. Sometimes this fee is anywhere between $1-$4 per payment.

All this happens so that you can pay your home off in 4-5 years less. Well, as good of an idea as that is, does it really make sense to pay those up front fees? NO! N-O, absolutely not. All that you have to do is basically make an extra payment per year to accomplish the same goal.

See, paying biweekly means you are making 26 payments in a year (52 weeks in a year, pay ever other week, so divide that by 2 and you get 26). Or 13 full monthly payments in that year (Divide 26 by 2). So, how can you still accomplish the awesome goal of paying your home down early (which in the long term costs you much less interest dollars) and avoid all the set up fees that banks may charge you for the biweekly program? Here are a few tips:

1. Begin sending in half payments every two weeks (Before you officially begin this practise I would call your bank and verify that they would accept such an arrangement from you. Be careful though, they'll just try to set you up on their biweekly program and then enlist those fees upon you.)

2. Set up an automatic draft from your checking account into your savings account for your full monthly payment divided by twelve. Once you reach that full payment amount in your savings, send that money in each year. (So if your monthly mortgage payment amount is $1,200; have $100 draft out of your checking into your savings every month. At the end of 12 months you will have accumulated $1,200. Send in that extra payment every year and you will achieve the same results as a biweekly payment, give or take a few months).

3. Find a company that does not charge any fees for their biweekly plan. Sometimes we feel that we wouldn't be motivated enough to do this on our own. That would be quite sad, but at least in the start having something set up would be better than not at all. So find a company that would set you up on a biweekly program without the fees. You see the disclosure forms, so take the time to read them before you sign. Don't just take some one's word for it (even the Mortgage Broker!) -- Note this step might be a little tougher than you think. I personally know of ONE company that not only doesn't charge you a set up fee and a draft fee, but they also give you a .25% off of your rate for setting it up. ONE, so HEAVY research is needed for this step to truly be successful.

At the end of the day, any step you wisely take toward paying off your debt sooner is a step in the right direction. One day at a time!


Million Dollar Mistakes

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

There are many areas in our life that could constantly face improvement. The challenge usually lies in the gray area of "not knowing." Most of us in a sound state of mind want to improve our lives and want to get ahead. Sometimes that feat is hard when we keep doing things that are actually holding us back, unbeknownce to us.

One such example is completely rampant in American culture and eats away millions of hard earned dollars every year. The small, seemingly harmless act of refinancing. I am careful in how I write about this subject as it is not necessarily an evil thing in and of itself, however coupling a refinance with ignorance on the rules of money can spell out a disaster in your pocket book.

The challenge with a refinance comes from the motive. Most people go through the process of refinancing for the immediate gratification of freed up monthly money or even cash out. Saving money monthly is great and sometimes it is necessary to take out equity for a loan for something important (hint hint: a Vegas vacation wouldn't qualify for important). If one is to refinance, it should be done with a long term focus in mind.

While sometimes this refinance can get you out of a tight monthly bind by putting in an extra few hundred dollars in your pocket, 95% of the time you're also restarting the clock. Yes, that means your 30 years starts over! So if you've only been at your home 5 years or less(which is the time frame that just about every penny of your payment goes to interest), and you refinance, you can basically look at the time vested in your home so far as rented. Yep, you just rented your home, and restarted the interest clock. So think thoroughly about the long run before entering this venture.

Stay tuned for more details regarding refinancing, and get ready to kiss financial ignorance good-bye...



Monday, December 14, 2009

All must be taken from appropriate perspectives. One incredibly financially damaging thing I see people do to themselves over and over is resent those who are doing well financially.

Why would that matter to your own finances? Because you are sending out the notion that you feel money is a waste and that you want none of it. So when the opportunity comes your way to earn more or better your current opportunity, guess what? You'll pass right by it.

Here are some examples of what I'm talking about:

Me: Look at that beautiful home on that hill.

Friend: I know those people, they have four hot tubs!

Me: Wow! That's cool.

Friend: No it's not! Do you know how many hungry people you could feed instead of wasting money on those hot-tubs?

Me: With that logic you should return the $100 pair of shoes you bought this afternoon and donate that to hungry people.

Friend: I disagree (pout and subject change)

See? It's all perspective. Why is it okay for her to buy expensive shoes, but when someone who can afford to have four hot tubs, thet are now labeled greedy.

Next example:

Friend: I know a guy who drove a Hummer all the way from Utah to California.

Me: Oh?(failing to see the point)

Friend: Oh? What do you mean oh? Do you know how expensive that gas bill must have been?

Me: Does he earn a lot of money?

Friend: Well yeah, he's wealthy. But that doesn't mean you should be wasteful and blow crazy money on gasoline!

Me: So, how long until your truck lease is up?

Friend: 2 more years. I can't wait to get my new one leased.

Hopefully you saw the irony in the second example as well.. Here we have a hard working person being critical of someone for taking a roadtrip in a hummer. Really? You're just being resentful because he has the money to do something like that. Because if paying for Hummer gas is wasteful, well then how much more wasteful is it to pay on a vehicle for years and never come out owning it?

All in proper perspective, my friends.


Hooray for Yay!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Since I spilled out a rave about nay-sayers, I've come to see side B of the equation. For the people that tell you that all your aspirations are ridiculous, there are usually a handful people who actually encourage your quest. These are mentors in your life's journey who should be kept close to you as you continue.

Of course there will be much less of these people than the one's who oppose you, but a few is all you need. I can count the people in my life who will encourage my journey on less than one hand, and that's exciting. See these people are valuable to you for things beyond advice and knowledge. They are mostly valuable to you in support; your own cheerleading squad with you wherever you go.

If you don't think you know who such a person can be for you in your own life, then begin your search for them now. Who do you know that loves and cares about you? Tell one of them about the things you want to accomplish and watch for a reaction. If it is one of complete positivity and happiness for you, then you have found a golden nugget.

What if you really can't find a single person to believe in you? Don't give up! Expand your circle of friends, get to know people in similar like minded groups, and read! Read about people who have had to overcome incredible odds to have what they have today. Sometimes those examples serve as your greatest anchors toward your cause.

We're going to change the world, and as we find those who support that cause, be grateful every day.


Expect Opposition

Friday, December 11, 2009

My thoughts for this post originally started on some aspect of saving a few bucks that could ultimately lead to a huge amount in the future. That all changed when I rented Julie & Julia. If you are even a semi regular blogger you are probably familiar with Julie Powell and her success story.

So instead of writing about how you should bag your lunches and skip the daily trip to Mickey D's, I want to express my feeling on another subject that could totally squash any goal you may set for yourself.


You know them, but please whatever you do, never succumb to being one of them! You know, the people who tell you that the things for which you aspire are a waste of time and that you should give up on your goals and dreams. Just because you cannot fit into their box of what they consider to be reality, doesn't mean you need to shrink yourself in order to accomodate them.

In the movie both Julia Childs was ridiculed by cooking teachers she had when she started to learn how to cook and Julie Powell being told by her own mother that she was silly for even starting a new project in her life.

Think of how many times you've been told to forget about your hopes and aspirations. How many times have you been convinced to quit that which you love. (If you haven't had many such experience, then there's a hint to start dreaming bigger!) Now think of how many times you gave in because all that negativity made sense to you at that point.

For the love of all that is good NEVER LET THAT HAPPEN TO YOU AGAIN! Never give up, especially because of someone's unwelcomed advice. You want to accomplish great things? Make sure everyone gets out of your way "cuz this time, We ain't backing down! Right???

"Brick walls are put up to see how bad you want it." -Randy Pausch


What Can We Control?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Brrr! Is it cold outside or what? today, as I was beginning my usual 20 minute commute to the office, I immediately took note of how differently this drive would go. Let's just say, I immediately accepted that it was going to take me quite a bit longer than usual to drive on the highway through unplowed roads.

It sure did. A normal 20 minute drive took me an hour and fifteen minutes today. I enjoyed every minute of it. It really wasn't that hard to. See, I immediately accepted the fact that I would be late, and possibly way late. By judging the conditions of the road and the number of cars, I also realized I wouldn't be the only one in such a predicament. So rather than be frustrated and upset at the task at hand, I decided to enjoy this time of peace, quiet, and for once a slow pace.

As I drove through the congested mess, I saw several cars veered off to the side, one car in mid spin, and two stations where police and ambulances tried remedying the situation. Why become angered and upset at things you cannot control? Doesn't it make more sense to take your situation and enjoy the good parts of it? In return you're bound for a peaceful ride and a safe arrival.


Don't Worry, Be Happy...

Friday, December 4, 2009

I hope the tune to Bob Marley's song brought a smile to your face when you read the title to this post. It usually does for me. Here's a brief thought on worrying: DON'T!

What good does it do anyway? Just this past week we were faced with an unexpected move. The house we were renting had the landlord's family moving in, so they needed us to vacate. Our notice was short and we have two dogs, so you can imagine the fun that brought on while trying to find another landlord who would be okay with my two pups. We had to be out by Tuesday, and come Saturday night we still had no prospects...

My concerned friend offered to let us stay at her house if we needed to (minus the dogs) and she kept asking me what I was going to do. I siad, "who knows, but it all always works out in the end." She agreed and that was that.

Finally Monday came rolling around, and we got a call back from the place we wanted with rates negotiated the way we wanted. We went out on Monday night signed the lease and moved on in the next day. There, it worked itself out. I am so thankful that I didn't preocupy my head with worry and fear. Here's the key, I knew I had put in the necessary action to accomplish what I needed. I would give the rest up and have faith in the outcome.

So as long as you do all that's in your power to do, kick worry out, and watch the fruits of your labors manifest.


2 Down 98 to Go!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Project Bucket List is officially underway! #94 and #95 have been crossed off. My writing career is officially in its beginnings and I have those two goals to thank for it. One day when I look back at my wild success I'll be able to see its origin.

Have you put together your bucket list lately? Stop with the excuse of not having enough time! Become a possibilitarian not a limitor! Set your sights high and then get high on the feeling of achievement!


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