What Can We Control?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Brrr! Is it cold outside or what? today, as I was beginning my usual 20 minute commute to the office, I immediately took note of how differently this drive would go. Let's just say, I immediately accepted that it was going to take me quite a bit longer than usual to drive on the highway through unplowed roads.

It sure did. A normal 20 minute drive took me an hour and fifteen minutes today. I enjoyed every minute of it. It really wasn't that hard to. See, I immediately accepted the fact that I would be late, and possibly way late. By judging the conditions of the road and the number of cars, I also realized I wouldn't be the only one in such a predicament. So rather than be frustrated and upset at the task at hand, I decided to enjoy this time of peace, quiet, and for once a slow pace.

As I drove through the congested mess, I saw several cars veered off to the side, one car in mid spin, and two stations where police and ambulances tried remedying the situation. Why become angered and upset at things you cannot control? Doesn't it make more sense to take your situation and enjoy the good parts of it? In return you're bound for a peaceful ride and a safe arrival.


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