What is the Thing You Speak of?
Friday, August 21, 2009
Whenever I use my facebook account, I usually like to post quotes of successful people. There are usually a handful of people who comment on them (and a lot of times, those comments are meant as sarcasm).
However, when I post a question such as "What is your favorite movie of all time?" it seems everyone comes out of the woodwork and puts their two cents in.

Why is that?
Why is it that on serious subjects, such that may even have the potential to help you think in a new direction, many people either don't know what to say, or don't feel like saying anything? Why is it that when you comment about superficial, everyday activities (i.e.; 'I'm feeling blah today...', 'I've got so much to do today', or the infamous, 'It's party time tonight') that people feel comfortable contributing?
Is it because we as a society find it hard to accept the ability to rise above mediocre thinking? Is it because the effort of commenting on an activity such as movie going or partying is much easier? Or is it simply because we don't talk enough about changing and growing as we do about the drama in the latest tabloid magazine?
Don't get me wrong! I love movies, I love drama, I love having fun. I also want to change, and to grow. Finding the balance is what it is all about. We'll probably die trying to find that balance, too. In the meantime, it would be nice to see more people being concerned with their mental growth as much as they're concerned with the latest actress' boyfriend's sister's uncle's babysitter. You know?
The good/bad news is that we cannot change anyone. There is nothing we can do about what others are thinking about, we can only do something about what we're thinking about. That is great news because, again, it puts us in control. For that, we should always be grateful!

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