Of course you couldn't imagine I would even mention the movie "Dead Poets Society" and not write on the illustrious "CARPE DIEM" message! In fact, it is really the most powerful message in history! Seize the day! Live in the moment! Enjoy each breath you get to take!
This message really hit home to me this last time I watched the movie, because I've been under a lot of stress lately with the business and life in general. The reason stress exists is because we're always looking into what will happen in the future. Although planning is a most necessary step in our life, living for the future is not getting you closer to your goals. If you're always looking to the next day, when you get there, you will not have the time to enjoy it because, you guessed it, you're already pinning your eyes on the day after that!

This is a quote I got in my inbox this morning from Earl Nightingale. A quote could not describe the message of Carpe Diem more accurately than this one does.
"Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored."
~Earl Nightingale

Mr. Nightingale was a profound self improvement master long before DPS was released. Yet, even as old as all these teachings are, we haven't evolved the part of our brain that easily allows us to bask in the light of this day, the thrills of this moment, or the chaos of our current circumstance.
Let today be a day where you savor each moment. Look at each minute as a gift and be grateful you have breath in you to even concern yourself with whatever challenge you may be facing. Soon enough it will pass, and you will be in a good spot again, make sure you enjoy every second of that as well!
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