Tell Me What You WANT...
Thursday, August 6, 2009
What are some of your goals? What are some of your dreams? For those of us who never really have been in a position to truly examine those might seem like a far fetched idea to even have such things! The reality is that we are never too old, or too unavailable to reach what we desire. The real challenge, though, comes when we get passed that.
When we are too scared to tell others what we want, because we fear their reaction. It seems most of our actions as humans on this planet come from our need to feel accepted. We feel intimidated to dream big or to go for an uncommon goal because we don't want to look foolish in front of others. What a load of crock that is!
My dream car is the new SMART car. I say this and as you read it most of you probably just chuckled. I don't care! I really love those cars! Most of my friends and family have given me nothing but grief through their teasing about this car. They give me a hard time and each time they see one they laugh and send me a picture of it on my phone.

But.....WHO CARES? I want it! That is a goal I have! Why would it matter to me what others think about it? At least I have the guts to have a goal, no matter how big, small, silly, great, or otherwise you think it might be. When our fear of others grows dimmer we become stronger. It will allow us to reach for the stars while others stand around and point.
Imagine if you knew that for ONE day you could go out and talk to anybody about anything and you knew for 100% surety that they would SUPPORT you. That not a single soul that whole day would mock you, intimidate you, tease you, laugh at you, or scorn you. EVERY SINGLE SOLITARY person with whom you come into contact will do as you ask and move you in the direction of your goal. IMAGINE what all you could accomplish. The feeling of surety, and power, and of self confidence you would have could not be toppled, because inside you have the utmost belief that all will turn out well.
Most of us, however, walk around scared. Scared to approach others with ideas and goals, because we fear their rejection and their lack of respect for what we have to offer. By growing our mind, our thinking, and elevating ourselves to a level that demands respect, that fear can grow dimmer and dimmer...until one day it is completely extinguished.
So dream big! Set your sights high! Be BOLD in your aspirations!
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