Cheer Up!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
There are days that just don't go the way you would like. It is inevitable that as we are here on this planet, in this human form, we are going to deal with situations with which we are not pleased. I thought about this deeply yesterday, as I was going through one of "those days." Today is much better, and as usual, passage of time allows us to heal.

Although the challenges of the day did not instantly go away, I felt lighter. That is after all the first step to changing your course in life. So I appreciate the presence of my dogs in this crazy life I lead; them and their ability to make life sweeter. I encourage you to find something that can distract you in moments of doubt and trouble. Something that can lead you in the direction of happiness and can begin to guide your ship toward a safer harbor! So to all our furry creatures with whom we share this planet, I say: THANK YOU=o)!
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