Greener Grass
Monday, August 3, 2009

Obviously cliches have a chance to stand their value within the test of time because they generally ring true for the majority. How many times have you wished you were somewhere else, thinking that a new circumstance would get you to a higher station in life? We've all been there.
One of the most insightful comments I had ever heard came from a young lady I interviewed for a position in our business. She couldn't have been more than twenty years old, but the wisdom she brought to the table stayed with me for a long time.
Her childhood experience had gone through rough patches and beyond. Her relationship with her folks was less than harmonious and she was barely getting by financially. She had a boyfriend with whom she lived and one day they were rehashing life's plans. Her ultimate conclusion was to get away! She felt as if everything would be better if they could simply change their location and start "fresh" somewhere else.
Her boyfriend then stopped her and wisely beyond his youth explained the following to her:
"All that will change if we move somewhere else is the place where we live! Nothing else changes. You are still you and I'm still me, just now somewhere else!"
With that tiny, albeit valuable, pearl of wisdom I realized that it's not the problems or our surroundings that need to change. We as individuals need to change. Not just in minor ways, either. We need to transform our thinking into such giants of mind that the same challenges that perplex us daily would seem as minor annoyances at worst. See really, it's not the size of the problem that really matters to us all that much. When we are bothered it is the size of "us" that keeps us in a state of frustration.

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