Aim Before You Shoot
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Something interesting about hitting actually have to know what you're aiming for! I know, I know, this sounds like a rudimentary part of philosophy, but most people don't seem to know about it. If you don't have a goal, you'll never hit one!
It is not merely enough to say to yourself, "I want more money," or "I want a better relationship," or any of the like. During one of our business overviews, I asked the audience to
raise there hand if they wanted more money. About 75% of the room raised their hands (What does that tell you about the 25% that didn't even bother?). The man who raised his hand the quickest I called on stage. After everyone gave him a hand, I handed him a penny.

I quickly congratulated him in the accomplishment of the goal of wanting "more money." Do you think he was thrilled? But why wouldn't he be? He wanted more, and he got more without having to do anything differently? The truth is, that we have these wishy washy goals. We say words like more and better, but in reality we don't know how to define that.

Just as in 'Think and Grow Rich' by Napoleon Hill, you must set a CLEAR, CONCISE MENTAL PICTURE. Not a fuzzy kinda there picture. Clear. Concise. Absolute. Certain. Once the goal is rock solid, then you can begin to expect change.

I'm very excited about my bucket list. I'm almost done. I'm excited to share it with you. I'm hopeful that you are putting one together also. Not only will it be fun to open up the universal catalog and decide precisely what it is you want, it is going to be uncontainable when you actually start acquiring the life you set out for yourself.
As this new week begins, let your goal setting be clear and don't be afraid to want what you really want. You don't have to be a philanthropist all the time. It's okay if your primary goal isn't to fund an orphanage in Africa. So what if your most burning desire is to have a 10,000 square foot home over looking the ocean? It's your goal, your life. Trust me, if you have a goal that moves you, you'll be able to fund more orphanages than if you merely set a goal because you think everyone else would approve. So good luck and get busy setting those goals!
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