Hard Core Evidence

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

In my bout of "re"reading books on my shelf, I've come across a book I remember to be one of the best. "BEYOND POSITIVE THINKING" by Dr. Robert Anthony. It's been fun going through these old books I've had stored, because I get reminded of all the valuable lessons I've learned along the way.
While I was reading last night, the book speaks of self esteem and self worth. The evidence is in the results. Basically, take a look around you. What kind of house do you live in? What kind of car do you drive? What kind of clothes do you wear? How much money is in your bank account? What kind of career are you pursuing? All these are RESULTS of the way we feel about ourselves. Ding ding ding! Wake up call!

That was pretty eye opening in and of itself, but I think the biggest trigger for me was this quote:

"The fact is that you will always associate with people you feel worthy of being with." ~ Dr. Robert Anthony

Okay, now there's a doozey. Of course we have the control of what we choose to drive, live in and even wear. How many times have we really stopped to ponder the fact that who we associate with is an even greater image of who we are?

Remember growing up, how our parents always wanted to make sure we were "hanging out" with good kids? They would pester me constantly about who my friends were and what they did for fun and who their parents were. At the time I was simply annoyed by their parental "control", but now I realize how valuable that piece of parenting has been for me. Of course everything our parents do for us is valuable only AFTER we grow up, right? ;o)

Think about who you spend your days with? Are they the SAME people over and over each and every day? Are they wealthy people with entrepreneurial thinking or are they broke people living on credit cards? The way we feel about ourselves is demonstrated by the people we choose to associate with daily. Do you feel "worthy" enough to hand around wealthy business owners or do you feel more comfortable with your drunk buddies at the bar?

If your associations aren't what you want your life to reflect, then you either help change your friends (by helping them grow as individuals), but seeing how we don't have the power to make people do anything they don't want to do, most of the times we have to change our friends. Not as in a disposable commodity, but as in a life saving measure that can help you out of your rut.

Look around yourself today. Look at every part of your life. Determine what you REALLY feel about yourself based on the circumstances and things you've attracted into your life. If you see results with which you are unhappy, then start to picture yourself in the situation you want to be in. Consistently hold to that image in your mind, and by nature of the law of attraction, it must come to you. You are the only one who can grow your life, it's up to you if you want to make that change.



Wake Up Call to Being Human

Monday, September 28, 2009

Hope your weekend was great! I had a blast with friends and family. On Saturday I wrote an entry on complaining. Or rather, that one should NOT complain. Guess what I did not even 5 hours later? Yep, you got it...I complained!!
Dunt du du dahhhh! (That was horror music, by the way). I did, the positivity blog author herself. I was having a picnic with some friends, we all began to play a game, and I found something I didn't like. My poor husband couldn't do anything right. He would tell me some of the rules of the game and I just thought he was picking on me. Needless to say, I was having a miserable time (no one else was, though).

So, I went to the bathroom ~ you've gotta love modern times when there is a toilet and running water in the middle of a park!~ and I just had a reality check with myself. The conversation basically went, "Grow up!" and the other part of me began to listen. My thoughts transferred to the stuff I'd written not too long before and I realized that I had to take all that was happening from a different vantage point. When I let myself go back, and look from the outside in, I realized I was the only one causing myself this unhappiness.

Nothing I was upset about really merited upsettings (know what I mean?). So instead I decided to take a deep breath and try to forget my self-pitying for a minute and clear my mind to open up to the flow of good energy. Did it all go away immediately? Uhh, no. It took a while, in fact, I had to work hard for about an hour to act like I was happy. But, alas, soon after that first hour swayed into the wind, I was feeling much better.

On the car ride home, my hubby is asking me to help him understand what I was so bunched up about so that he doesn't do that again. I guess I was really crappy to deal with, huh? I basically told him that I was sorry for whining, and that it was nothing. Because really it was nothing. There was no life threatening circumstance that would require me to retell, therefore re-live, the emotions I put my soul through. So I didn't. I resisted venting. I didn't go into much detail about all that was wrong with the world during that crazy afternoon. Simply, I just let it go.

Guess what? I'm okay! I lived through it. So, don't fret if you're human and you make mistakes and slip into modes of self pity and worry and low energy. Just remind yourself to pick up the pieces and tell yourself you are strong enough to get over it. There will be plenty of these times in your life, but the key is to keep moving forward. That is why we read, and self improve. Not because we are automatically "fixed" or "improved" or "better" right away, but it is because we implant thoughts into our head that help us grow as individuals each time these circumstances hit us. One step at a time is much better than taking a seat and being in everyone else's way.



It's MY Life So It's MINE to Make

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sugarland's "Settlin'" is one of the best songs on this message. Have you heard it? If not, get your ears on this video and listen to the lyrics. Tired of shootin' too low? Time to stop Settlin' for anything less than everything, dontcha think?


Get a CLUE!

Victim Clue # 3: COMPLAINING (From Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker)
Why do we complain? Does it really feel better to vent? I mean, really? After you've just spent hours talking with someone about all the petty things that bother you (and you haven't discussed on single solution) do you really feel uplifted after that? Chances are more likely that you still feel drained, if not more so. Then why do it? Because we feel benefits in being a victim. Time to stop that, don't you think?

"Complaining is the absolute WORST possible thing you could do for your health and your wealth." ~T. Harv Eker

Read that again. The WORST. Not just one of the worst, but the ABSOLUTE WORST thing we can do. Yet, it gets done minute after minute, day after day, so on and so on. It is scary how much we as a society complain. A society that is privy to luxuries other countries could only dream of. {Before you start complaining that you have no luxuries in life, try telling that to the people around the world without food, without a home, without transportation, without medicine, those in war, etc.}

The craziest part is that we complain about the silliest things. I hear it all the time! I hear the complaints about how "other" people drive; about how things were planned incorrectly, about the way people manage; about what's on or not on TV {There's a good one}, and we can go on forever. Even things you might think merit complaining, such as: ill health, broken relationships, uneven finances, etc; especially these things need to be removed from the complaint bucket. In fact, I would dump out that bucket and then burn it so it melts into the oblivion of complaint worlds and leaves your world alone.

"When you are complaining, you become a living, breathing "crap magnet." ~T. Harv Eker

So if we are a crap magnet, and crap continues to flow to us, what do we as humans have a tendency to do? Complain MORE! Do you see the vicious cycle the path of complaining leads us in? Let's do ourselves a favor and STOP STOP STOP complaining. Period. End of story. Dot com.
A challenge that I decided to take on and I pass it on to you is set yourself on a timer for 7 days. No complaining about absolutely anything! When you feel a complaint rise in your mind, simply say to yourself, "CANCEL! Thanks for sharing." then just think of something to be grateful for.

If we simply replace our complaints for gratitude we can have the world at our fingertips and doors will open to us that we didn't even know were there (probably because all we could see was the wood of the door and we were complaining about how we like oak instead of knotty pine). Won't that be worth it?
What if you are surrounded by complainers? Get away! RUN! Stay in the presence of only those people who are seeking to better themselves and their communities. If you absolutely, no exceptions must be around such people, then only focus on WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR YOU. You cannot change anyone, no matter how hard you try (so stop complaining about them for one). Make sure you stay on your course and by law of attraction you will either see more light in them, or you will zig while they zag. You just have to stay true to your mission and you won't be able to help seeing amazing results in your life!




Friday, September 25, 2009

"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough." ~ Oprah Winfrey

I am thankful for my life
I am thankful for my health
I am thankful for my family
I am thankful to live in the USA

"Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some." ~ Charles Dickens

I am thankful for my thoughts
I am thankful for all the money I have now

I am thankful for technology
I am thankful to know how to read

I am thankful that I am free

"When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears." ~ Anthony Robbins

I am thankful for the food that I have

I am thankful for the clothes I wear

I am thankful to have a reliable car to drive

I am thankful for the ability to express myself

I am thankful for ideas

I am thankful for love




Thursday, September 24, 2009

Have you tried the "Money Hunny" exercise, yet? Whoa...it is powerful. I'm not quite ready to retell my experience as I'm still rehashing it to clarity. But I'm seriously moved by how powerful a mental exercise can be. Isn't it amazing what kind of programming we have in our head? Thank goodness programming can always be altered, that is how we get to progress.

One book I am rereading right now is "The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" by T. Harv Eker. It is excellent. In fact, I call it my "Money Bible" because it is so specific, yet very easy to read. You get done with that book and you think, "Man! No wonder!" but you also have specific action steps towards changes you need to make.

My bucket list is coming along nicely. I'm at around 85 items on the list. It is amazing what you can conjure up in your mind when you allow yourself to roam! One of the items on that list is to read 50 books this year. I'm on #32, so a little behind pace, but on my way nonetheless. The last few books I read were fiction novels and I really enjoyed reading them. In fact, I had about 7 books checked out from the library (an excellent resource that not enough Americans use) and they were all fiction.

When I ran across the "Money Hunny" video a thought totally flickered in my mind. I need to read to learn. To grow. To improve. Now, I will never ever say not to read fiction. It is probably my favorite activity! However, I'm 28 and still have a lot left to do in my life. If I set out a goal to read, I better make use of this time of learning and read on how to move towards my goals. I heard a quote once stating, "You become the combination of the books you read and the people with whom you surround yourself." There's a wake up call for you.

Also, I've learned that if you take your five closest friends and average their incomes, it is pretty close to your income. So, who are your buddies, hmmm? If you don't have rich friends, one good way to surround yourself with great minds is through reading books rich people write and getting into their thoughts. Hey, at least it's a start to hanging out with people who are closer to where you want to be! The only way to think on a higher level, is to learn what that kind of thinking looks like. Trust me, you broke aunt Sally won't be helping you there.

Two books that I've read this year which I'm totally in love with are: WAY OF THE PEACEFUL WARRIOR by Dan Millman & RICH LIKE THEM by Ryan D'Agostino. I couldn't even give you a description of these works that would be worthy of how awesome they are. Both great reads and definitely the kind of writing I would classify as "Growth Material". Check them out, you'll love 'em.



Money Hunny

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

One of my favorite websites is http://www.selfgrowth.com/. If you've never been exposed to it go check it out IMMEDIATELY! You'll love it! I found a video that the founder David Riklan did with Money Expert Morgana Ray that I feel very compelled to share. I will do the exercise she talks about and then report on it when it's through! Enjoy!



Everything is energy. There is energy flowing through us right this moment and energy just stirring in one spot. Energy comes in many forms and in unlimited quantity. There is so much plentiful-ness to energy that it cannot truly be comprehended through our human pea brains. There is however a very clear distinction among energies. Good and Bad.

Thank goodness it is that simple, because the concept of energy can be difficult to understand as it is. The last couple of days I've realized that we are letting out one or the other all the time. Let's see: Are we stressed? Over worked? Annoyed? Angry? Frustrated? Any of the like? Yep, you got it, that is bad energy. How about: Happy? Excited? Thrilled? Pleased? Content? Fulfilled? Any of the like? Yep again! That is good energy.

The more we "allow" ourselves to feel one way or the other, the more of that kind of energy gets attracted to us, therefore the more circumstances in those categories arrives at our doorstep day after day. One thing that should be understood is that we cannot "waste" energy. There is more than enough energy available within our bodies. There is no wasting. So the good news on that is if we are expanding some crappy thoughts which give out crappy energy, that doesn't mean we only have so much good energy left. That is nonsense. Not possible. What that means, is that we need to switch to positive energy as soon as possible, so that we can bring more of the good stuff in.
That thought came to me today and it refreshed me. I'm glad we cannot "waste" energy, or that energy comes in a limited supply. If that were the case we'd all be burning out way sooner than we are. Isn't it great to know we are limitless beings fully able to accomplish all we need to on a daily basis and more? Prioritize, schedule, and determine what really matters. When that list is figured out, make sure you work on it every day. When the things that are important to us get taken care of, all the rest finds a place. By doing so we release good energy and therefore attract more of the good stuff back to us.



What Happens in Pocatello, Stays in Pocatello...

Sunday, September 20, 2009

For those of you yet unaware, Pocatello is a booming metropolis in the great state of Idaho! That's where our Seminar was held this weekend. It was a great experience. The best thing about big events is the fact that you get to surround yourself with like minded people. People who want to do more with their lives than just watch TV and go to BBQs. You know? The kind of people who wake up in the morning with passion and are hungry for great opportunities.

It's not to say that certain people are naturally that way. We all are born with equal capabilities, and if we really want to do something great we all can. It's just as easy as a decision. Once you know what your mission is, then it is simple to move towards that!

The guest speakers were business owners in their 30's named Allan and Nicole Medrano. They are completely financially independent and are living a dream life. Now, they had to work hard to get where they are, but it is all worth it in the end. They talked of their struggles in getting started in the financial services business. That at ages of early 20s they were always dealing with many obstacles. Always learning and getting better, but at the same time always taking action and working hard.

A defining moment that they had is when Nicole's mom needed money for her rent payment and came and asked her for some help. Nicole somehow scrounged up the $300 she was needing and as she handed her the money, her mom said, "I'll pay you back." What bothered Nicole the most was that she couldn't say "Don't worry about it mom" because Nicole, at the time, really needed that money also.

It was at that moment she decided she was going to do something with her life and take her freedom seriously. She was going to work hard and make something of herself and be the 'go-to' person in her family. I think inherently, we all want to be that person for those we love. Now, after a run in the business world, whenever her mom needs help she is able to be there for her. A couple of months ago her mom's transmission blew out. It costs $4200 to fix it, and Nicole and Allan were able to say "No problem." Their brother was getting married and needed $5000 for some of the wedding expenses; again they were able to hand it over and not miss it.

That's what life is all about. It's about making a difference. So often, the people that need a difference in their own life are the ones that are closest to you.

It was a pleasure to speak at that event, also. Public speaking has always been fun for me. This crowd was about 150 people in size, so not too overwhelming. My message was about an incentive trip our company is offering to Maui/Vegas...so exciting!

Big events cause big changes in life. It's exciting to know that I have an opportunity to change my family's tree forever. Although it may seem like a lot of pressure, I look at it as a great chance to do something special. After all, that's what we came down to earth for, anyway!



Do You Want to Change Your Life?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

You do?

Well, then, what life changing event do you have planned?

Pretty reasonable question, I think! You know, so many of us want to do something different. We want to change the world! Or for starters, change our world, at least. But there is never a trigger that gets us to act differently. We do the same grudgingly simple thing day after day after day hoping for a lift. We want to be the accomplice to miraculous undertakings in our communities, and be everything to everyone, yet we don't know where to start.

There are many "seminars" or "lectures" available out in the world of learning to get us off our feet. I am certainly a big fan, because something happens when you get around other like minded people who think big and who want to make a difference, also. Surely, you have to be careful as to which type of event you choose. Do some research and then make the investment in yourself to see what other forms of thinking you can adopt. There's only so far you can do with self help...after all, your self got you in the mess you're in, so your self has to elevate to a totally different plane to get you out of it.

This weekend I am attending a quarterly event that my company hosts. It is purposely placed in the right times to give a boost through motivation and education. The guest speaker struggled in business for YEARS, but he never quit. He refused to accept mediocrity and even though people opposed him for being "weird" and not getting a regular job like everyone else, he stuck to his guns of business ownership. Today in his thirties, he and his wife are living the dream with an income of over $400,000 per year.

Now, who do you think can inspire me to be the best I can be? My parents who are now broke and not knowing what retirement is going to hold for them in the next 3-5 years or this guy who stuck it out through thick and thin and won? Yeah, the latter. So why would I not make an investment in myself and travel to an event where I might have a shot at learning one flick of info that can trigger something in me that propels my direction towards greatness? Is mowing the lawn that much more important? Could the grocery shopping wait just one more day? Sure it can, because after all, I want to change my life...and last time I checked, getting an oil change didn't do much for me:o).

What events are in your area that you could plug in to? Get a newspaper, go online, ask a friend, check out craigslist.com and find a group near you participating in something huge. If you've never been to a seminar or event before, it might be a little intimidating. Especially if you are as shy as I am to meet new people. But make yourself go, blend in with the wall if you have to at first. By the end, you will be so glad you went, even if just because you feel so much better after it's done! Be courageous for a "change"!



Will Smith Describing Alchemy

Monday, September 14, 2009

There are few people in this world who value the fact that hard work can out do any talent or privilege. Thank goodness for that great equalizer! These words of wisdom are applicable to any of us, in any situation, at any time. Make use of it!


I KNOW I Can...

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Do yourself a favor...next time someone asks you how you are doing, stop yourself cold before answering "I'm tired" or "Okay" or "Not good" or any of the like. That is the easiest thing you can do to see results improve in your life.

Our words are so powerful. It takes a bunch of times to think of something before you confess it through your mouth. If you've said words like those above, that means you've thought about it for a long time. We all know what happens when we think things, right? We allow the law of attraction to work and therefore bring us more of those results.

Thoughts are things, and they are real in creating what we get to experience on a daily basis. Sometimes, you may feel tired, but resist the urge to say so. Whenever you feel just "okay" or "blah" make sure you say you are "wonderful" instead. Doing this will begin a new turn of events and without exception turn around the situation you are in.

The best way to begin this new journey of self talk is by expecting great things. Choose an affirmation you can tell yourself constantly out loud or in your head and you will begin to experience it. One of my favorites is ,"Great things always happen to me!" You can say that so easily and pretty soon, by saying it enough, you will begin to see the results.

My brother was talking to me about skiing once. He said that when you ski through the woods the one thing you have to focus on is the openings in the trees. Never look at the trees, because that is what you'll be attracted to and BAM here comes crash city. Openings, when focused on, will get wider and wider and you can make it down a crowded hill without problems.

Isn't that life? Focus on the openings. Focus on the good things. As soon as we note an unpleasant moment in our life, then BAM here we go crashing through life as well. So, for an easy tweak, next time someone says, "How are you?" You say_____________. Fill in the blank, POSITIVELY, and you will begin to see life's openings widen and widen to allow room for your unlimited potential.



Keep On Truckin'

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Somedays you feel like this little guy...you try and try and still can't get up. Don't fret, this too shall pass, just don't stop trying!


BE HERE in the Moment

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The end of Summer is a great time of year for outdoor exercise. My husband got me started on running at nights when we get home, and though I had a miserable experience with it the first few times, now I not only get through it, but I come to look forward to it. So, last night was no different. I strapped up my two mutts and away we went.

The run itself was non eventful. I ran to my post and then turned around and headed back. My two dogs have completely different personalities. The bigger one is a bit of a spaz when it comes to exploring the great outdoors. She usually is in front and swaying from side to side as we make way. My smaller dog is a great runner. You wouldn't even know you have a dog with you. I take her leash and slip it through my wrist as she keeps pace with no difficulty. Sometimes I think she knows how spazzy the other one is, because she is content to be behind me.

So there we were, a trio train of joggers during an early September night. My husband was mowing the lawn so he passed on the jog this time but I was pleasantly surprised to find him half way back home as he trotted to catch up to where we were. When I saw him, I immediately handed him the leash to my little Spaz-o-matic and we finished our trek. After running we usually take a stroll around our block before heading in the house.
When we began the walk portion of our nightly exercise, we switched dogs. My husband took the calm one and I got the freak-a-zoid. We walked and walked and my husband took the lead. I was wrestling with my big one until she realized we were just walking. Nothing meteorically exciting was about to happen. However, she still pulled and sniffed every square inch of ground she could find. That is when it dawned on me!

I literally had a conversation with my pup (albeit one-sided) that went something like this, "You know, you are a dog with a zest for life. I really admire that about you! You are always excited and you always want to make things as interesting as possible. Do you know what you're missing out on, though?" No answer on her part, just more sniffing. "You're missing out on life! You are so worried about what is happening next, you're not enjoying what is happening right now!"

There was a little twilight zone moment that happened to me right there and then, because I thought about my own life! Every time we "look forward" to something or "worry" about something, we are spending our energies on what is going to happen. We sometimes spend so much time on those thoughts, that we don't enjoy what we are experiencing right at that moment. What a tragedy it would be to miss out on life just because we were always concerned with a date that never seems to come: TOMORROW.

Let this little thought travel with you today. Be here in the moment in all you do! Enjoy the experience as it comes in front of you, and all else falls into place.



Aim Before You Shoot

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Something interesting about hitting goals...you actually have to know what you're aiming for! I know, I know, this sounds like a rudimentary part of philosophy, but most people don't seem to know about it. If you don't have a goal, you'll never hit one!

It is not merely enough to say to yourself, "I want more money," or "I want a better relationship," or any of the like. During one of our business overviews, I asked the audience to raise there hand if they wanted more money. About 75% of the room raised their hands (What does that tell you about the 25% that didn't even bother?). The man who raised his hand the quickest I called on stage. After everyone gave him a hand, I handed him a penny.

I quickly congratulated him in the accomplishment of the goal of wanting "more money." Do you think he was thrilled? But why wouldn't he be? He wanted more, and he got more without having to do anything differently? The truth is, that we have these wishy washy goals. We say words like more and better, but in reality we don't know how to define that.

If we are confused in thinking about what it is exactly that we want in our life, how much more confused do you think the universe is when taking your order. You are sending out the vibe of "I think I want something, but it's a little like this, not so much like that, but something close would be fine." Yeah, nonsense, right? So many people set goals in that way and then wonder why they go backwards in life instead of forward. BE SPECIFIC.
Just as in 'Think and Grow Rich' by Napoleon Hill, you must set a CLEAR, CONCISE MENTAL PICTURE. Not a fuzzy kinda there picture. Clear. Concise. Absolute. Certain. Once the goal is rock solid, then you can begin to expect change.

I'm very excited about my bucket list. I'm almost done. I'm excited to share it with you. I'm hopeful that you are putting one together also. Not only will it be fun to open up the universal catalog and decide precisely what it is you want, it is going to be uncontainable when you actually start acquiring the life you set out for yourself.

As this new week begins, let your goal setting be clear and don't be afraid to want what you really want. You don't have to be a philanthropist all the time. It's okay if your primary goal isn't to fund an orphanage in Africa. So what if your most burning desire is to have a 10,000 square foot home over looking the ocean? It's your goal, your life. Trust me, if you have a goal that moves you, you'll be able to fund more orphanages than if you merely set a goal because you think everyone else would approve. So good luck and get busy setting those goals!



Tune Your Tude

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I got an email today that I couldn't resist sharing! Man, when you think you've got problems, all you have to do is see someone who is conquering demons much bigger than yours and your gratitude gets in check really quickly!
The pictures of this little guy are inspiring! I've never met him, I don't even know his name, but the expression on his pure face shows that he lives for the moments he's got. His vision is clear and he enjoys life just like, or better than, any of us. The caption at the end of the email was: Whatever is bugging you, doesn’t seem so big anymore, does it?
Hats off to this brave little man and to all those similar in struggle to him. Let's not insult these people by wasting away the talents of our bodies in this one life we have to live!


Pumpkins & Camping

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I was looking through one of my friend's blog the other day and I saw a picture of her too-cute-for-words kids. I was thumbing through and found a picture of a typical American kid out in a pumpkin patch. There they were happy as can be looking for the perfect pumpkin to pick. When I saw that picture, one thought struck me, "Wow, that is so average."

Before you start getting all bunched up about pumpkin picking and how you have very fond memories from it, let me explain. I, too, had many a pumpkin patch experience growing up. Lots of 'em. We also did other neat things like take a 17 hour drive to Florida every Summer for a week's vacation to Disney World. We went camping every now and again and also had many other similar experiences with my folks.

There is a point. See, what struck me is that EVERYONE does things like that. People out there take their kids to do these things because 1. it's affordable, and 2. they've probably done it before as they were growing up. In fact, I went on google and looked up "pumpkin picking" in the images section and there were dozens upon dozens of pictures with people and their silly looking kids carrying an all too heavy pumpkin. Seriously, plenty of those pictures.

So, then, I typed in "first class family vacation" or "kids vacationing in Europe" and there weren't nearly as many options. Why? Why is it that you've most likely seen a picture of your kids or your friend's kids in a pumpkin field or in a campground, but most of you haven't seen a picture of your kids or your friend's kids in front of the Taj Mahal? or the Vatican? or in the Amazon? You get the picture!

We come to think that because things are "normal" and that everyone else does it, that it is acceptable (What did our mom tell us when we were kids about 'if others jumped off a cliff?). Well, what if on top of all these neat experiences we could also mix it up a bit next year and take that trip you've always wanted to take? How about when your child says she needs help with her report on France, you can say "Why don't we just fly to France and then you can report on what it's really like?" or even simpler, why not when a child hands you their college diploma you hand them a check to pay off the student loans they had to accrue in order to make it through?

See, whatever we come to accept as normal will be our reality. Unfortunately, most people accept mediocrity as normal, and therefore it appears in their lives over and over again. As I'm putting my bucket list together (which you can view so far under 'Archives June 2009) I am realizing the mental energy that it takes to dream and have vision. It takes thought to put a list of goals together and as Wallace Wattles has stated, "thinking is the hardest thing for a person to do, that is why one does so little of it."

Let's start dreaming bigger together. As our goals and vision grow, so will our desire to advance our station in life. Only by doing that can we take a lot of people with us along for the ride and truly improve the planet we inhabit.




Tuesday, September 1, 2009

WOW! Another month is underway! It really is amazing to me how life continues to roll...no matter what we do with our time or don't do. I have been contemplating a lot lately about what I want to do with my life. I came across a short snippet in SUCCESS magazine written by Mark Victor Hansen. Let me share it with you:

IT ONLY TAKES 15 MINUTES, a piece of paper and a pen to put your life goals in motion. In his audio series THINK BIG, Mark Victor Hansen, co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, says to write down 101 of your life goals, small and large within 15 minutes. Don't self edit or second-guess - just write. Your list can include small goals like paint the living room or larger goals like open up that restaurant I have always dreamed about. After you finish your list, assign each goal a deadline - whether it's a few hours or a few years. Your list will highlight your areas of interest, show you how to spend your time and propel you to go for your goals.

Funny how a small paragraph can shift your paradigm of life. I had a huge "A-ha" moment and it really was exciting. I've been working on a "bucket list" for a few days now. I am filling it up until I have 101 things on that list. My next step after that will be to continually cross off each item on that list until it is completed. At that point, I guess I can do it over again with a new list:o).

When I am done with the list and the deadlines, I will not only post it in the "Bucket List" section, but I will document my trials and triumph as I set out to reach each and every goal on that list. After all, that's what life is for, right? To make happen the things that matter most. It's an exciting prospect, and a little daunting. I don't know how some of the things on that list will happen, yet...but all I need to think about right now is what I want those goals to be. I'll let myself come together with what I need in order to achieve those goals.

Hopefully, you will do this, too. What have you got to loose?



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