Thursday, August 27, 2009
Okay, okay, we want to grow and develop as humans inhabiting this earth for goodly purposes, right? Yeah, okay, so what about T.V.? Is television really something we should nix from our lives in order to keep our head on straight?
I have conflicting thoughts on this and personally would like clarity once and for all. The truth is, that TV really is addicting. You get to know characters in your favorite shows and your schedule seems to revolve around what's going on in the life of so and so on a stranded island or in a hospital. Sounds kinda silly when you view it that way. But let's go a little passed that world. Let's talk about the kind of shows that have no plot, no actors, and really no point...yeah, you got it: REALITY SHOWS.
What is up with our fascination with reality shows? All day long we actually live in "reality" so to speak. We get to wake up, face our day and relive it one sunup to sundown at a time. Why then, do we loooove to turn on a glass box and watch someone else's reality? Now don't get me wrong. I love a good show just like anyone else. But why? What is it really that is drawing us to them? Is our reality not good enough? Whether we are watching people dancing or just living in a house together, we are missing something that apparently we are getting from those people.
In our mission to grow to new heights and accomplish new things we need to see options. We need to know what at all might even be available so that our mind may conceive something similar for which to reach. Do we find that through these shows? Or do we actually begin to loose our vision from them?
When we watch shows that are scripted, at least we follow a storyline. We follow a plot and our mind stays focused on what the end result will be. Although it's not much, it still is some activity and gets our wheels turning. When we watch shows that just follow people's lives, we just suck ourselves up in other people's drama. Hello? Do we not have enough of our own? From dating to weight loss, we watch people go through their dilemmas. It's not like we are learning ways to overcome our obstacles, because since these reality shows are set up in such non real world fashion, it would be almost impossible to come up with their same results!
Biggest Loser? Do you have 12 hours a day to work out, have a trainer by your side constantly and a chef making you ONLY healthy and proportionate meals? Are you an eligible bachelorette with thirty men at your footstep to pick off, one by one, until you find your perfect match? Yeah, didn't think so! So in "reality" all we do by watching these shows is add more coffee room office drama to our lives and have someone else to talk about.
Extraordinary people talk about ideas; average people talk about events; and small minded people talk about other people.
So am I saying cut out the reality TV? Well, that probably would be a healthy choice. But no, who am I to say what you should or shouldn't do. If you are going to watch stuff like that, though, be careful not to let it consume your conversation. What you talk about expands in your life, and frankly who cares that you get more reality show in your life? What matters is that you expand YOUR OWN reality, right?
There's my two cents for the day! ON TO YOUR SUCCESS!
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