Spiritual Money

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Let's get real, shall we? What on earth are you meant to accomplish here? Seriously? There are some things we want to do in life, but most of the time we couldn't even come up with clear definitions of those things...so therefore, tell me the likelihood of accomplishment? Close to zilch.

"I can help anybody get what they want out of life. The problem is I cannot find anyone who knows what they want." ~~ Mark Twain

Do you fall into that category?

The truth, however, is that it isn't quite enough to know what we want. The truth begins when you feel it deep inside. Before you label this post as a mushy one because of that last sentence, take a minute to think about it.

One of my favorite authors of all time is Robert Kiyosaki. He is the author of the "Rich Dad Poor Dad" books. They are smooth reads, and they really open your mind up to some different (AKA wealthy) ways of thinking. In his book, "Before You Quit Your Job" he writes about a concept called "Spiritual Money".

Basically, spiritual money comes from doing something not necessarily for the sake of loving it, but doing it because you know it must be done and you know you are the one to do it. If you are like me, that concept weighs a ton and just fell right on your porcelain head. There will be times in your life when you will face a choice of pursuing a profitable activity because you can change the world by its attempt. If nothing else, your world will change.

Maybe you've been struggling for a while in your business. Maybe you feel you've given too much to one single person. Maybe you feel overwhelmed by choices you made in a spirit of giving. Whatever your station, the reason you are dealing with that situation is because you are the one meant to make a difference there. Think about it, you were excited in the beginning, and there is a purpose for that.

My two cents are that we be CHAMPIONS. That we don't quit. That we finish strong, because after all, some one, some thing, some event is counting on us!

"Pain and discomfort are temporary, but quitting lasts forever!" ~~ Brandon Neil



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