Where to Go Next?
Monday, October 12, 2009
Take it one step at a time. Ever hear that piece of advice? It stems from the famous quote,
"Each journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step."
Though wise this quote may be, sometimes we're not too worried about the journey itself. Sometimes we're worried about where this journey is taking us. If you've been reading any of my previous posts, I think you'll see where this is going (no pun intended).
First of all, the worrying part needs to disappear. No need to worry. Even if you are unsure as to where you want to take your vision, just begin by doing something. ANYTHING. If you are moving, at least you will be getting somewhere. The truth is, when we become paralyzed by the unknown, years pass and we remain in the same spot. So who cares that you don't know where you want to go, yet...just MOVE!
Bob Proctor tells his own story of when he worked at the fire house as a young man. He read Napoleon Hill's "THINK AND GROW RICH" and learned that he must begin from where he is at that moment to act. Even if he feels unready or unsure. So, since Bob Proctor knew he wanted to be successful and entrepreneurial, he knew he must act. But act in what? What should be the course he needed to take?
Since he had no clear vision forming, yet of what he needed to do, he decided that "acting now" meant being productive in any given moment. He began to use his down time at the fire station cleaning the rooms and tidying the posts. From doing this stemmed his idea of starting a cleaning business and there began the venture of a man who we know today as one of the most successful free thinkers of our time.
Sure at the time cleaning the fire house didn't seem like much, but it was action. He didn't just read about the stuff that would one day form his goals into reality and sit there and smile and just think about "one day"...instead, he did something. Anything!
When I first started reading blogs, I knew I'd like to start one. I didn't know how to do it, I had no clue how to format a website, and I had no clue how I could get anyone to read what I wrote. But one day as I was browsing through some websites I came across a site where you can purchase a domain name. I had an idea for a name and I purchased it. That was the first step for me into taking action for writing a blog and being successful with it. It wasn't until months later that I found how to actually post my content and redirect my domain name to that content. However, had I not taken action and purchased my domain name, this blog would still be a figment of my imagination.
What do you have in your mind right now that is just waiting to burst into reality? What are you dreaming of becoming? There is so much greatness between your ears that if you truly comprehended that at this moment you would literally burst out of reality. My encouragement is that you begin from where you are to make something special happen. Even if you really don't know what you want to make happen, just begin by being active. Do something, ANYTHING, and the more your personality evolves into a being of action, the more opportunities you will come to recognize along your journey.
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