Can't You Read???
Sunday, November 1, 2009
How serious of a problem do you feel illiteracy to be? It's pretty scary when an adult cannot read words and therefore limits him/herself in life. If you knew someone personally that was illiterate, you would want to reach out and help, right? It's just that important.
Here's a newsflash. There's a kind of illiteracy that is rampant in our country, and there is hardly anyone doing something about changing that fact. What kind of illiteracy could I possibly be talking about? Of course, Financial Illiteracy.
~~U.S. high school seniors, on average, correctly answered only half of the questions on a basic personal finance and economics test.2 (Source
We can mostly agree that being able to read words is of critical importance to success in life. Now, let's agree that the same applies to being able to understand MONEY. Let's face it, in our life we will always have to deal with money in one way or another. Whether it be through its abundance or lack, through work or home, any where at all, there will be times in our lives when we make financial decisions. The lasting affects of these decisions are monumental in many cases, and we skim by in life making MILLION Dollar mistakes all the time.
~~In 2006 approximately 1.5 million consumers sought assistance in the management of their finances from the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC). By 2008, the number of customers seeking aid from the nonprofit organization more than doubled to 3.2 million (Source http:/
Most people when presented with an opportunity to better their financial situation either get defensive or embarrassed. It's time to take down the shield and welcome the fact that there might be better ways. One of the worst things you can say when approached with new ideas in regards to money management and wealth creation is: "I don't know anything about money." To that I always say, "Well, isn't it about time you learn?"
The truth is that we all have the option to be Money Smart. In fact it is our downright duty to be that way. It's time to stop blaming financial institutions or greedy brokers and agents for our money problems and look in the mirror to the ultimate person that has absolute control over what is happening financially in our lives. If you don't care about your money knowledge, guess what? NO ONE ELSE WILL EITHER! You are the only one who is going to care about you the most, so make it obvious and figure out a way to get money smart. Start to read, start to mentor with successful people, make it a priority to be open minded and growth oriented. It's time to finally break the chain of being broke. The good news is that it is completely up to you!
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