Wednesday, November 25, 2009
The word "commitment" can down right send shivers up some people's spine. The evry idea of putting to death all other options (the root of the word decide) can really give people the illusion of being trapped. In reality commitment should be liberating.
How? Well,that is what this postis for. Those of us that are married out there read up: The spouse you have may be great, but there probably is someone out there more compatible for you. Have you ever thought of that? Now I'm not talking soul mate who always leaves his seat down kind of stuff. I'm talking genuine compatibility with your likes and dislikes, etc.
So, does it matter that someone like that might exist? No, because the one you're with is the one you want. See, a commitment completely liberates you from having to weigh in other options and allow yourself to be burned several times in the process. A commitment is the opportunity to become lazer beam focused on the direction of growth in your life.
Here's a newsflash. Money only gets attracted to committed people. Not to wishy washy people. So, next time you are faced with making a decision, make it and stick to it. Be a person of your word. If you say you're going to be somewhere then be there. If you tell yourself you are going after a certain goal, then for heaven's sake GO FOR IT! (just because I'm sitting at starbucks right now, because my appointment hasn't kept his word on showing up here has nothing to do with my choice on blogging about commitment ;-)
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