Mind Over Money
Friday, November 6, 2009
There is a deadly disease going around our country and even around the world, today. It is the disease of low self image. What does this have to do with money? Well, the fact is that many people don't feel as if they are worthy to receive lots of money. The thing about this disease is that it can be subtle. Sometimes you don't even know you are showing symptoms of it. Heaven forbid someone tells you the symptoms you are demonstrating causing you to get defensive and upset.
"There is a secret psychology of money. Most people don't know about it. That's why most people never become financially successful. A lack of money is not the problem; it is merely a symptom of what's going on inside of you." ~ T. Harv Eker
Feeling worthy of wealth has a lot to do with weather or not you will have any. One simple way you can check to see if you show symptoms of thinking yourself into unworthiness is in the language you use. Do you say things like, "Money doesn't buy happiness" or "Money is not important"? If you do, you definitely don't have any and are on the road to having less.
Think about it. What would happen to your relationship if you said at least once per day to your spouse, "You are not important"? How long would it take before your spouse finally left you? Maybe in some cases it would take a while, but in most, not too long. You would find yourself all alone and yet wonder why they left.
Looking at it from that perspective seems a little extreme. Who in their right mind would say to their spouse that they are not important to them? Yet we do this with money every day. The subtler ways come in forms of complaining, judging, pessimism, sloth, anger, etc. Money is a magnet to that which is positive and strong. Anytime you display the opposite, money will repel itself from you as quickly as possible.
How does money repel?
Ever loose money out of your pocket?
Ever get bounced check charges for something you forgot about?
Ever incur any late fees? Ever get your mortgage or rent increased?
Ever get a pay cut or go a year with out a pay raise?
Even worse, ever loose a job due to layoffs and such?
Ever have a spouse go on a shopping spree even though you've repeatedly instructed that
money is tight?
Ever have kids need expensive materials for school?
Ever have an appliance or car break down or damage during the most inopportune and stressful financial times?
See, whenever things like that and more happen, it is because you are rejecting money and wealth to come your way. Get rid of the crap, the stress, and whining, and slowly (or quickly depending on how fast you can change your attitude) you will see progress come to you in ways you've never imagined!
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