One Definition of Crazy

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Here's something that was completely hazardous to my health and that I would never recommend to anyone, not even my worst enemies:

Committing to NaNoWriMo (Where you write a 50,000+ word novel in the month of November) and NaBloPoMo (Where you commit to posting on your blog each day of the month of November) all in the same month and year. Can I hear you say CRAZY???

Yes, it was crazy. Although the month doesn't officially end until tomorrow night, I am completely done with my first draft of my first Novel (Over 60,000 words) thanks to NaNoWriMo. And thanks to NaBloPoMo, I've developed a deeper commitment to my blog and what I want out of it.

Will I ever do the two again in the same month...ABSOLUTELY NOT:o) Just one at a time, because posting and coming up with a fictional world are two joyfully stressful things that each need their own space.

So, I'll keep you updated on the news of those developments in the days ahead. But it feels great to set a goal and hit it! Woohoo...



Robert Choate November 30, 2009 at 6:55 AM  

Good job. I do enjoy reading your blog. It makes me want to try a little harder to be a little better. So when do we get to read the novel? I have helped write a technical proposal for work that was over 125 pages this month. Does that count?

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