Hooray for Yay!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Since I spilled out a rave about nay-sayers, I've come to see side B of the equation. For the people that tell you that all your aspirations are ridiculous, there are usually a handful people who actually encourage your quest. These are mentors in your life's journey who should be kept close to you as you continue.

Of course there will be much less of these people than the one's who oppose you, but a few is all you need. I can count the people in my life who will encourage my journey on less than one hand, and that's exciting. See these people are valuable to you for things beyond advice and knowledge. They are mostly valuable to you in support; your own cheerleading squad with you wherever you go.

If you don't think you know who such a person can be for you in your own life, then begin your search for them now. Who do you know that loves and cares about you? Tell one of them about the things you want to accomplish and watch for a reaction. If it is one of complete positivity and happiness for you, then you have found a golden nugget.

What if you really can't find a single person to believe in you? Don't give up! Expand your circle of friends, get to know people in similar like minded groups, and read! Read about people who have had to overcome incredible odds to have what they have today. Sometimes those examples serve as your greatest anchors toward your cause.

We're going to change the world, and as we find those who support that cause, be grateful every day.


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