Your Choice...
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
We live in a victim society. It's never our own fault, it's always someone else causing our lives to be the way they are. A long list of responsibility shirking phrases exist all around us and pop up on a daily basis. Have you heard any of these:
That's not my job.
I wasn't told.
I didn't know.
It's all his/her fault.
I was screwed over.
You make me so mad.
My spouse spends all the money.
The traffic was horrible.
I'm sick.
I can't find a baby sitter.
etc. etc.
Here's a news flash: your life is your own fault. Now, are there circumstances where things fall out of your control? Yes. Does that mean you completely loose your ability to choose your response? No. See the difference?
What I've realized is that we have the gift every day to choose our paths and choose our ideas. Let's use that gift of choice to move us in the direction of peace, joy, fun...instead of the other way around.
So, next time you're in a position where you want to use an excuse, stop for a moment, take a breath, take responsibility for the way you're going to react & then use the situation to stay in control of your own life.
(This concept is at the top of the list of financial strengths, by the way!)
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