Your Bucket List

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Have you created your personal life's bucket list, yet?  It's not as easy as it sounds, but definitely worth the effort.  It took some thinking but I finally created my bucket list a few months ago.  I thought as soon as I put those words down on paper I could go to work happily chopping away at the the tasks on that list as if it were a lengthy to do list for a Sunday afternoon.  Boy, was I wrong!

I have been studying that list and am realizing that it is slow going.  There are things I've crossed off (3 out of 100 to be exact) but there are many many items on that list that will require some planning and creativity to pull off.  Lots of world vacations and meeting famous people just to name a few.  But that's the purpose of a list like that.  To stretch yourself and do things you wouldn't normally be put in front of by just lounging around and watching re-runs.

One of the fun parts about a bucket list is that you really don't have to do the tasks in any certain order.  Just go after each item one by one until your life will become a habit of continual goal pursuit.  What an adventure life can be if we decide to mold our days rather than just be left prey to the conveniences of our surroundings.

There is a whole world to explore and only a few short years to do so.  My days are invested with thoughts on these goals and I can't help but wonder what wonderful opportunities can come my way because I live my life with a purpose.  So much to do, but there is plenty of time if we take action now and not wait for more convenient moments (Ha!).  Goals are great, especially when you mean them!


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