Snow Days

Monday, March 1, 2010

Seems like everyone across the country was aware that we had some heavy snow here in the North East.  I still have my bank account in Utah and I was calling in to verify some info when the lady on the other end even asked me how we were holding up with the weather.  Too funny!  Here's the truth:

Everyone and their dog seemed to be complaining about the snow as it began to fall.  Then everything shut down so most people didn't have to go in to work the next day.  When they were off work everyone loved the snow!

So this phenomenon got me thinking.  First we are complainers.  We whine about how extremely dramatic and difficult our life will be because of a few flakes, but then we are on cloud 9 when we get to stay home in bed all day.  So what did we do with that new free time?

Having just moved from Utah, the snow didn't seem to bother us.  We drove slowly and cautiously of course, but snow is snow and you learn to manuver around it as needed.  So our days went pretty much as usual, since we make our own schedule anyway.  However, I think about all the complainers and their gift of a day to with it whatsoever they pleased, and I wonder how most spent their time.

Is your life any better for having had complete control over your day or are you in exactly the same position you would have been had you been tied up at your job?  This taught me a lesson to steer clear from complaining and being in a position where I vocalized discontent but did nothing about it.  It taught me that if I get a moment that was supposed to be filled with responsibility now freed up to do with as I pleased to take that moment and make something happen...ANYTHING...but to stay away from stagnation.

Does this mean everyone should have been industriously working on some project or another?  No, surely time with the kids rolling around on the floor, or walking the dog in the park, or simply making a home cooked meal for once are all valid options.  Let's just not be content to sit in front of the tube and allow our brains to mush up just because we can.  It's time to learn to control our body and not let it control us.  Beginning by not complaining would be a great way to go.


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