Tuesday, September 1, 2009
WOW! Another month is underway! It really is amazing to me how life continues to roll...no matter what we do with our time or don't do. I have been contemplating a lot lately about what I want to do with my life. I came across a short snippet in SUCCESS magazine written by Mark Victor Hansen. Let me share it with you:
IT ONLY TAKES 15 MINUTES, a piece of paper and a pen to put your life goals in motion. In his audio series THINK BIG, Mark Victor Hansen, co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, says to write down 101 of your life goals, small and large within 15 minutes. Don't self edit or second-guess - just write. Your list can include small goals like paint the living room or larger goals like open up that restaurant I have always dreamed about. After you finish your list, assign each goal a deadline - whether it's a few hours or a few years. Your list will highlight your areas of interest, show you how to spend your time and propel you to go for your goals.
Funny how a small paragraph can shift your paradigm of life. I had a huge "A-ha" moment and it really was exciting. I've been working on a "bucket list" for a few days now. I am filling it up until I have 101 things on that list. My next step after that will be to continually cross off each item on that list until it is completed. At that point, I guess I can do it over again with a new list:o).
When I am done with the list and the deadlines, I will not only post it in the "Bucket List" section, but I will document my trials and triumph as I set out to reach each and every goal on that list. After all, that's what life is for, right? To make happen the things that matter most. It's an exciting prospect, and a little daunting. I don't know how some of the things on that list will happen, yet...but all I need to think about right now is what I want those goals to be. I'll let myself come together with what I need in order to achieve those goals.
Hopefully, you will do this, too. What have you got to loose?

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