Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Everything is energy. There is energy flowing through us right this moment and energy just stirring in one spot. Energy comes in many forms and in unlimited quantity. There is so much plentiful-ness to energy that it cannot truly be comprehended through our human pea brains. There is however a very clear distinction among energies. Good and Bad.
Thank goodness it is that simple, because the concept of energy can be difficult to understand as it is. The last couple of days I've realized that we are letting out one or the other all the time. Let's see: Are we stressed? Over worked? Annoyed? Angry? Frustrated? Any of the like? Yep, you got it, that is bad energy. How about: Happy? Excited? Thrilled? Pleased? Content? Fulfilled? Any of the like? Yep again! That is good energy.
The more we "allow" ourselves to feel one way or the other, the more of that kind of energy gets attracted to us, therefore the more circumstances in those categories arrives at our doorstep day after day. One thing that should be understood is that we cannot "waste" energy. There is more than enough energy available within our bodies. There is no wasting. So the good news on that is if we are expanding some crappy thoughts which give out crappy energy, that doesn't mean we only have so much good energy left. That is nonsense. Not possible. What that means, is that we need to switch to positive energy as soon as possible, so that we can bring more of the good stuff in.

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