The Greatest Game Ever Played...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Have you ever seen the movie called "The Greatest Game Ever Played"? It is a true story about a young golfer who won the US Open in 1913. Francis Oimet (We-Met) was an amateur and went up against some of the greatest players in history. His challenge didn't come only in the form of inexperience. He was also ridiculed by the golfing community, he had no one but his mother supporting him, and his father even asked him to leave home because he was pursuing this "silly" dream.

This is a Disney movie and completely suitable for all ages. I've seen it a couple of times and yesterday as I was watching it again, I felt completely awed by the perseverance of great people. I was taken by the fact that people who accomplish amazing things do so not because the weather is fair, or because it comes easy to them. They do these things out of the belief that it must be possible and that they are the ones meant to do them.

There's lots of feel good movies out there, and many of them are true stories. However, when you have a movie that keeps you interested the entire time and then right towards the end...BAM! It delivers one scene in particular that brings together the feeling of what it means to be a champion, then that, my friends, is a good movie. If you've seen this movie, I think you would know which scene I am talking about, if you haven't seen it yet you'll surely catch it when you view it!



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