Of Great Worth
Monday, November 23, 2009
It's truly amazing to see what sort of things we value in life. It's easy to spot when you're looking out for it in others, but have you stopped recently to look at it in yourself? Most of us would answer that question with a resounding NO! Because it's really scary.
We don't ever want to look inside ourselves to find out the ugly truths we harbor. But it's not as bad as we make it out to be. Remember, "ugly" doesn't equal bad. What are the things you value materially in this world?
Seriously ask yourself that and then look at your surroundings to find the answers. Are you paying for cable while your family has no life insurance? Do you get your nails done constantly while your Roth IRA sits at zero? Do you spend an overwhelming amount of money on Christmas gifts for your kids justifying it by saying you want them to have everything you never had, while their college fund is empty or you strain your relationships on the basis of financial stress?
It is up to us to place value on items in this world. Decide right now how you'll check off the important things in your life.
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