We Wish You a Merry Debt-mas...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Guess what? You won't believe what is coming up in less than two months? (Surprise face has been implanted) Drum roll please...CHRISTMAS!

Okay, if you think that was a weird intro, listen to you friends, co workers, and family over the next few weeks. They all talk about how they "Can't believe" it's almost time for Christmas again. Well, here's a newsflash folks...Christmas comes the same time EVERY year. No exceptions. I bet you that if you had a sneak peak at a calendar for the year 2010, Christmas would also be listed there on December 25.

So, why oh why do we act like it just snuck up on us?

What is the harm of being shocked that it close to Christmas? The fact that when we don't plan for it properly, we overspend on presents just to save face. Well, here's a few tips on surviving Christmas with a thicker wallet.

1. Make a list of the people you want to buy a present for and evaluate it.

Are you buying a present for people just because you feel obligated to or is it because you truly want to impart the spirit of giving in the holiday season? Some of the most wasted dollars go toward presents for co-workers or acquaintances who don't want you to buy them a present anyway. Why wouldn't they want a present from you? Because then you put them in a position where they feel obligated to spend their hard earned money on getting one for you in return.

So do yourself a favor, really truly decide who deserves a present from you. For the rest of the people get them a Christmas card early in the month so that they realize that is all you are getting them and they won't feel as obliged to buy you something special. You may even want to write in the card something like, "Instead of exchanging presents, why don't we donate that money to a good cause this year." It will let them and you off the hook and if you want to follow through on a donation spree, your money will be much better spent there than on a gift that will be re gifted, tossed under the bed, or even worse thrown away in the next move.

2. Budget your Christmas list and shop early

If you have a list, make a budget in advance of how much you are really wanting to spend on each individual. Be strict with the budget and do not go over the amount no matter what. Be thankful you still have a few weeks, because you can get really creative.

3. Do extra work to pick up extra cash - aka avoid the plastic- to pay for gifts

Pick up a part time job, work a business on the side, sell stuff on the Internet, donate plasma, have a garage sale. Don't just rely on your current job to pay the bills, because that's when it becomes easy to pull out your dear friends Visa and MasterCard. If you put extra working effort and man hours to raise your Christmas fund money, you will appreciate it so much more and therefore be more mindful of where you spend it.

Begin your plans for Christmas today. A little bit of time each day will save you thou$and$ of dollars in interest you'd have to pay back and years to pay it back in. You deserve to have your money working hard for you, not the other way around.



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