Fortune Cookie Wisdom

Saturday, January 23, 2010

I love Fortune Cookies!  After eating a delicious meal, I go immediately toward my cookie and eagerly await my good fortune inside.  Of course, you cannot read your fortune until your meal is finished or else the fortune becomes invalid.  There is some superstitious wisdom for you.

It is interesting how each fortune can be applied to you and your situation.  We've been getting ones that say, "You will make a big change in your future" or "You are capable of great things with your new venture" and each time I get one of those I round my mouth into an O and look at my husband as if the cookie was a psychic giving me the next winning lottery numbers.  I get all excited about the possibilities!  All this from a cookie.

We are so moldable in our minds.  Imagine, if a cookie can get me excited about my future, what do you think is happening everytime I hear, "You're crazy for moving so far!" to "You're going to do so well!"?  You hear these comments from people all day every day!  The craziest part is that we take them in and allow them to program the way we think! 

Imagine your brain is a computer.  For a computer to have codes put in it, you must type the instructions on a keyboard.  Now, imagine our amazing brain computers with which we were gifted.  We have the potential and capacity to do incredibly huge things!  However, most of us take this keyboard and turn it around and allow others to type in instructions for us.  Anything they want to tell us, we just give them free reign to type the words and hit enter.  Once they do, it becomes a program in our mind.

The key is to take back that power.  The keyboard is yours!  If others want to type in mental programs, let them type those in on their OWN keyboards, because we were all equally equipped with one.  So, instead of letting fortunes, good-willing friends, or outside influences decide what gets typed into our brains, take control.  Type the stuff you want to see happen.  When someone else starts attemtpting to type in a command, simply say "thank you for sharing, moving right along" and type in your own program.

You were meant to be awesome, so it's time to prove it!


Robert Choate January 25, 2010 at 5:33 AM  

And here I thought all that the fortune in the cookie did was to provide a comedic spot to add the words "in bed" at the end of it. Who knew it could actually change my life. By the way, how are those lottery numbers working for you?

SweetWICK January 25, 2010 at 11:59 AM  

Glad to know you've got a sense of humor...Lottery #s are failing me, maybe I'm not playing them in the right order...haha!

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