Lot's of focus on goals lately! That which you focus upon expands, and I want expansion to happen in my life abundantley. So one good place to begin was my bucket list. I've noticed it was getting a bit neglected and decided to tackle one of the items on that list. I've chosen to set the goal to learn how to do a "split" again. Of course I'm an over-achiever and psycho, so it's not going to be enough for me to just to a split in one direction. Oh no no, I want to hit the goal of being able to do a split with either leg in front and both my legs to the side. This will be a painful and lengthy process, as it has been at least 15 years since I've been able to do one!

Why is this even relevant to anything in my life? Will doing a split enable me to be better at closing business deals? Will it give me the ability to enhance my writing skills? Will a silly split give me the confidence to become a better leader and servant? The answer to all these questions and any relevant questions is a resounding YES! How is that so, you ask? Here's the answer:
Life is about accomplishments. It's about not staying stagnant. You start small and believable. You build up your faith muscles (you know, the ones that have been in hybernation for the last hundred years?) and become a giant of mental strength. One goal is as important as any other goal. So this goal in and of itself isn't the key. The key is that I have a goal and I am working toward accomplishing it. I will post a picture of myself doing these splits once I am able to perform this olympic triumph to measure my accomplishment.
What goals are you going to begin tackling from your bucket list? Don't have a list, yet? Get crackin' and make that happen asap. Then, once you have items written out don't just stuff the list in the bottom sock drawer, create those things in your life so that you can live that kind of reality. Become a delibrate creator and move in the direction of your dreams.
That picture just looks painful. Remember to warm up before attempting.
What you wrote about is almost goes along with what my next post is about... building a habit of success. The importance of celebrating every little bit of success you have and how its transfered in your dna type stuff
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