Get a CLUE!
Saturday, September 26, 2009

Why do we complain? Does it really feel better to vent? I mean, really? After you've just spent hours talking with someone about all the petty things that bother you (and you haven't discussed on single solution) do you really feel uplifted after that? Chances are more likely that you still feel drained, if not more so. Then why do it? Because we feel benefits in being a victim. Time to stop that, don't you think?
"Complaining is the absolute WORST possible thing you could do for your health and your wealth." ~T. Harv Eker
Read that again. The WORST. Not just one of the worst, but the ABSOLUTE WORST thing we can do. Yet, it gets done minute after minute, day after day, so on and so on. It is scary how much we as a society complain. A society that is privy to luxuries other countries could only dream of. {Before you start complaining that you have no luxuries in life, try telling that to the people around the world without food, without a home, without transportation, without medicine, those in war, etc.}
The craziest part is that we complain about the silliest things. I hear it all the time! I hear the complaints about how "other" people drive; about how things were planned incorrectly, about the way people manage; about what's on or not on TV {There's a good one}, and we can go on forever. Even things you might think merit complaining, such as: ill health, broken relationships, uneven finances, etc; especially these things need to be removed from the complaint bucket. In fact, I would dump out that bucket and then burn it so it melts into the oblivion of complaint worlds and leaves your world alone.
So if we are a crap magnet, and crap continues to flow to us, what do we as humans have a tendency to do? Complain MORE! Do you see the vicious cycle the path of complaining leads us in? Let's do ourselves a favor and STOP STOP STOP complaining. Period. End of story. Dot com.
A challenge that I decided to take on and I pass it on to you is set yourself on a timer for 7 days. No complaining about absolutely anything! When you feel a complaint rise in your mind, simply say to yourself, "CANCEL! Thanks for sharing." then just think of something to be grateful for.
If we simply replace our complaints for gratitude we can have the world at our fingertips and doors will open to us that we didn't even know were there (probably because all we could see was the wood of the door and we were complaining about how we like oak instead of knotty pine). Won't that be worth it?

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