Hard Core Evidence
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

While I was reading last night, the book speaks of self esteem and self worth. The evidence is in the results. Basically, take a look around you. What kind of house do you live in? What kind of car do you drive? What kind of clothes do you wear? How much money is in your bank account? What kind of career are you pursuing? All these are RESULTS of the way we feel about ourselves. Ding ding ding! Wake up call!
That was pretty eye opening in and of itself, but I think the biggest trigger for me was this quote:
"The fact is that you will always associate with people you feel worthy of being with." ~ Dr. Robert Anthony
Okay, now there's a doozey. Of course we have the control of what we choose to drive, live in and even wear. How many times have we really stopped to ponder the fact that who we associate with is an even greater image of who we are?
Remember growing up, how our parents always wanted to make sure we were "hanging out" with good kids? They would pester me constantly about who my friends were and what they did for fun and who their parents were. At the time I was simply annoyed by their parental "control", but now I realize how valuable that piece of parenting has been for me. Of course everything our parents do for us is valuable only AFTER we grow up, right? ;o)
Remember growing up, how our parents always wanted to make sure we were "hanging out" with good kids? They would pester me constantly about who my friends were and what they did for fun and who their parents were. At the time I was simply annoyed by their parental "control", but now I realize how valuable that piece of parenting has been for me. Of course everything our parents do for us is valuable only AFTER we grow up, right? ;o)
Think about who you spend your days with? Are they the SAME people over and over each and every day? Are they wealthy people with entrepreneurial thinking or are they broke people
living on credit cards? The way we feel about ourselves is demonstrated by the people we choose to associate with daily. Do you feel "worthy" enough to hand around wealthy business owners or do you feel more comfortable with your drunk buddies at the bar?

If your associations aren't what you want your life to reflect, then you either help change your friends (by helping them grow as individuals), but seeing how we don't have the power to make people do anything they don't want to do, most of the times we have to change our friends. Not as in a disposable commodity, but as in a life saving measure that can help you out of your rut.
Look around yourself today. Look at every part of your life. Determine what you REALLY feel about yourself based on the circumstances and things you've attracted into your life. If you see results with which you are unhappy, then start to picture yourself in the situation you want to be in. Consistently hold to that image in your mind, and by nature of the law of attraction, it must come to you. You are the only one who can grow your life, it's up to you if you want to make that change.
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