Wake Up Call to Being Human
Monday, September 28, 2009

Dunt du du dahhhh! (That was horror music, by the way). I did, the positivity blog author herself. I was having a picnic with some friends, we all began to play a game, and I found something I didn't like. My poor husband couldn't do anything right. He would tell me some of the rules of the game and I just thought he was picking on me. Needless to say, I was having a miserable time (no one else was, though).
So, I went to the bathroom ~ you've gotta love modern times when there is a toilet and running water in the middle of a park!~ and I just had a reality check with myself. The conversation basically went, "Grow up!" and the other part of me began to listen. My thoughts transferred to the stuff I'd written not too long before and I realized that I had to take all that was happening from a different vantage point. When I let myself go back, and look from the outside in, I realized I was the only one causing myself this unhappiness.
Nothing I was upset about really merited upsettings (know what I mean?). So instead I decided to take a deep breath and try to forget my self-pitying for a minute and clear my mind to open up to the flow of good energy. Did it all go away immediately? Uhh, no. It took a while, in fact, I had to work hard for about an hour to act like I was happy. But, alas, soon after that first hour swayed into the wind, I was feeling much better.
On the car ride home, my hubby is asking me to help him understand what I was so bunched up about so that he doesn't do that again. I guess I was really crappy to deal with, huh? I basically told him that I was sorry for whining, and that it was nothing. Because really it was nothing. There was no life threatening circumstance that would require me to retell, therefore re-live, the emotions I put my soul through. So I didn't. I resisted venting. I didn't go into much detail about all that was wrong with the world during that crazy afternoon. Simply, I just let it go.

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