Thursday, September 24, 2009

One book I am rereading right now is "The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" by T. Harv Eker. It is excellent. In fact, I call it my "Money Bible" because it is so specific, yet very easy to read. You get done with that book and you think, "Man! No wonder!" but you also have specific action steps towards changes you need to make.
My bucket list is coming along nicely. I'm at around 85 items on the list. It is amazing what you can conjure up in your mind when you allow yourself to roam! One of the items on that list is to read 50 books this year. I'm on #32, so a little behind pace, but on my way nonetheless. The last few books I read were fiction novels and I really enjoyed reading them. In fact, I had about 7 books checked out from the library (an excellent resource that not enough Americans use) and they were all fiction.

Also, I've learned that if you take your five closest friends and average their incomes, it is pretty close to your income. So, who are your buddies, hmmm? If you don't have rich friends, one good way to surround yourself with great minds is through reading books rich people write and getting into their thoughts. Hey, at least it's a start to hanging out with people who are closer to where you want to be! The only way to think on a higher level, is to learn what that kind of thinking looks like. Trust me, you broke aunt Sally won't be helping you there.

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