Saturday, October 3, 2009
So, after my post on being healthy, I actually received a few comments from friends and fellow bloggers. It is great to hear when something you feel so strongly about gets received well, but even if it doesn't, at the end of the day you have to know that you cannot please everyone all the time. So, let's see how my post about being wealthy will be received.

One of the strongest points that gets brought up by middle income and below people is that "Money changes people." Really? Some green pieces of paper are really going to change a person at their core? No. Do you want to know what changes people? When I tell you, I don't think you're going to be able to handle it. The truth is, the thing that REALLY changes someone is the LACK of money. Have you ever met someone who is broke really fired up about life? If you answer yes to that question, then you haven't seen them at home when it is just them and their self they have to face.
There is a family that we are acquainted with who are lovely people. They have kids and seem to live a happy go lucky life. Not too long ago, I know they began running into financial difficulty and it seemed like night vs. day in their personalities. These people who seemed normally congenial would snap at the slightest provocation. They were upset at EVERYTHING, and that is not an exaggeration. Any new idea presented to them was wrong, or not good enough. Suffice it to say, that being around them began to feel draining. Their apparent discontent with life was all too evident, and when they confessed their money challenges, it all became very clear.

So, take a long hard look at yourself when you say money changes people, because you need to rephrase that statement into the "lack" of money changes people.
Think of yourself abundantly. If you had millions of dollars drop into your lap right now, what kind of great things could you do? You know you would do amazing things with it. Of course you would give yourself a great lifestyle, and so you should. However, if $$ flowed to you abundantly (as it is designed to do) then you would easily see opportunities for it to do wonders for those you cared about.
Not too long ago a lady who works in our office part time had a family experience where someone needed some cash to get them on a plane home. She said she felt completely hollow because she couldn't offer the few hundred dollars to help. This lady is an excellent person, in fact one of the biggest hearts I know. But that all doesn't matter when the cash is what is needed. That situation gave her a strong resolve to become the go to person in her family's life and do what it takes to improve her quality of life.
There is much more that needs to be said about this topic. Rather than ranting on for ever on this post I will save my second part of this topic for my next posting. Between now and then it is my hope that you think about this topic, and think about the way you feel about it. Let money be a source of contentment for you, not a topic of stress and frustration. Begin to feel it's importance in your life and begin to feel that you are worthy of and expected to be wealthy. It really is your duty to do so!

"I say that you ought to get rich, and it is our duty to get rich. How many of my pious brethren say to me, “Do you, a Christian minister, spend your time going up and down the country advising young people to get rich, to get money?” “Yes, of course I do.” They say, “Isn’t that awful! Why don’t you preach the gospel instead of preaching about man’s making money?”
“Because to make money honestly is to preach the gospel.” That is the reason. The men who get rich may be the most honest men you find in the community. “Oh,” but says some young man here to-night, “ I have been told all my life that if a person has money he is very dishonest and dishonorable and mean and contemptible.”
"My friend, that is the reason why you have none, because you have that idea of people. The foundation of your faith is altogether false. Let me say here clearly, ..., ninety-eight out of one hundred of the rich men of America are honest. That is why they are rich. That is why they carry on great enterprises and find plenty of people to work with them. It is because they are honest men."
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