Healthy...Wealthy...PART II
Monday, October 5, 2009
I think I've come clearly on my stance that having "money" isn't a bad thing, in fact it is a necessary thing. The fact that people have insufficient money to meet their needs is really a culprit to the societal distaste with money. However, there are two more issues that I find important on a strive to be wealthy.
One: We need to know what to do with Money.
Two: We need to act in accordance with someone who is appreciative of money.
The first part might seem obvious, but it is the reason why so many people, whether they earn a large income or a small income find it difficult to make ends meet. Ever wonder how someone who wins the lottery, or athletes and movie stars who earn millions of dollars a year don't know how to stay afloat, let alone prosper, with the money in their lives? How is it that people like this can end up bankrupt or in poverty when their paychecks have 6 and 7 figures in them? How many of us think that when we earn an extra $10,000 or $20,000 or more annually that all our money problems will be gone?
It is because the root of our thinking about money is not in proper perspective. If you took a child to the ice cream shop and she ordered a single scoop on a cone, came walking out of the store...the BAM...dropped the ice cream, would you take her back in to get another scoop? Probably...then, all of a sudden, as you're waiting in line for the second time, she sees a picture of their daily special: A triple extra large scooper! "Wow!" She exclaims..."Can I have that one?" As a caring adult who does not want that child to be set up to fail, would you say YES? Of course you wouldn't! She couldn't handle one scoop, why would you have her take a triple scooper??

A lot of people I deal with say this to me, "I don't know anything about money." My response is to slap them from the back of the head - but I refrain myself from doing just that - instead I say, "Isn't it about time you learn?"
Taking the time to educate ourselves on how money works is imperative to gaining wealth and abudance in our lives. Only by doing so we will be able to show the universe we can handle the triple scooper of money and therefore we will get more. But this time, when we get more, because we know what to do with it, the money will stay with us, rather than vanish like we are usually used to.
Great, so now you understand that and you will do everything in your power to understand how money works...mortgages, loans, credit cards, investments, insurance, savings, etc. You will learn it all...but until you begin to bless that which you want, you will also get none. You cannot attract to you that which you despise. It cannot come into harmony with your being.
What do I mean by this exactly? Well, when you see something you really like, but do not yet own (a BMW, a PRADA purse, a HUGE SAVINGS ACCOUNT, etc.) do you say, good for you, bless you for having what you have, or do you disgruntedly say to yourself, 'greedy bastard', 'you think you're all that, don't you?', etc.?
I had a friend by me one day and as we were flipping through a magazine we saw a full page ad for Louis Vuitton. I commented that the purse in the picture was probably a couple of thousand of dollars and my friend said, "That's just foolish. That's when people just get too good for the money." I about lost my breath and said, "What do you mean?" she basically explained, that people with that kind of money just act like they're better than everyone else and that it is wrong to buy things like that.

My first thought there was, 'You poor thing!' Literally and figuratively. Why would people be "TOO GOOD" for money? Do you realize wealthy people really don't talk about money? It's broke and middle class people that discuss money. They talk about how they cannot afford things, or how expensive things are, etc. Rich people talk about what they want to do with their lives and how great things are. Big difference, right?
If you are on a quest to wealthy, as you should be, bless that which you want. Next time you see nice things send out blessings to that person, tell yourself you can afford things like that, don't you dare reject it, curse it, or say it is out of your reach. Until that changes, nothing else will change financially for you.
P.S. Don't you think the name "Wealthy" would sound so pretty? I heard it once and I think it's fabulous. Imagine your child in trouble and you yell out "WEALLLLTTTTHHHTYYY!" Ha! It cannot get any better than that, huh?
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