What Do You Deserve?
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
This morning when I check my inbox, I received Bob Proctor's quote of the day. The quote itself is so powerful that I want to share it with you:
"No one is in control of your happiness but you; therefore, you have the power to change anything about yourself or your life that you want to change."
~~Barbara DeAngelis
~~Barbara DeAngelis
Go Barbara for making such an impactful point. No one is in control of your happiness, but you. Good news, right? How debilitating it is when we allow others to control the way WE feel. Nonsense, if you ask me.
Within that email there was an offer for one of Bob Proctor's products and within it they showed a study that the Harvard Business School did. Here it is:
It is Your Right to be Rich
We cannot rise to our greatest possible height in talent or soul development without money. And yet it is surprising how many people feel like they don’t deserve this.
There was a study done by Harvard Business School using the USA Today Publication. They did a test where two ads were placed in this newspaper.
The ironic thing is that both ads were for the exact same position for the exact same company!
And yet… more people applied for the position that offered less money because they didn’t think they deserved to be rich! They also tend to have that underlying belief that it’s just “too good to be true!”
Do you now see how people through their own limited beliefs, fears, doubts & skepticism cut themselves out of so much opportunity in their lives?
People often let their limiting beliefs control their lives. They allow outside forces like the media feed them thoughts that imprison them into a self-fulfilling cycle of doom.
We cannot rise to our greatest possible height in talent or soul development without money. And yet it is surprising how many people feel like they don’t deserve this.
There was a study done by Harvard Business School using the USA Today Publication. They did a test where two ads were placed in this newspaper.

And yet… more people applied for the position that offered less money because they didn’t think they deserved to be rich! They also tend to have that underlying belief that it’s just “too good to be true!”
Do you now see how people through their own limited beliefs, fears, doubts & skepticism cut themselves out of so much opportunity in their lives?
People often let their limiting beliefs control their lives. They allow outside forces like the media feed them thoughts that imprison them into a self-fulfilling cycle of doom.
Crazy, right? The same exact job, the same exact company, yet they get responses from way more people from the ad that offers a MUCH LOWER amount in pay.
I know the emails that will flood in for this one will be similar to: The reason is that people who don't have a background earning a 6 figure salary won't really be looked at from employers offering such. Or something like that .
Well, save your breath (or typing fingers) because that is just a made up story we've programmed into society. Whose rule is that? Every belief we have has been typed into our own mental computer and therefore dictates the results we experience in our life. Once you start believing you are worth more, you will attract more...until then your option is to hold on white knuckled to the beliefs that are keeping you broke and unhappy and keep proclaiming that it is just the way it is.
Good news is:
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