Embarrassing Moments

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

We have all been mortified at one time or another. However, I really don't understand the feeling of being embarrassed.  We all go through stuff that makes us blush, so why then do we feel weird when something like that happens to us?  Probably because others laugh, huh?  It's true, you fall, we'll laugh.  You say something air-headed, we'll laugh...and of course it is so vice versa.  But that's the beauty of it.

Yesterday I was climbing up a set of stairs and BAM I miscalculated the distance between my foot and the step and tripped.  I almost wiped out had it not been for the cat-like reflexes of my right hand landing on the stair in front of me to provide steady support.  So I'm okay, maybe I screamed a little while my hubby just looked at me shaking his head as he laughed.

What was the first thing I did as I recovered from the incident?  (Well, I actually prolonged the motion because I kinda didn't want it to be the first thing I did, but you guessed it...) I looked around to see if anyone else saw.  What in the world is up with that?  Who cares first of all?  Secondly, I'm sure if anyone did see (which nobody did, by the way *wink) they would have been in the same position themselves at least at ONE point in their lives.

How nuts is it that we care so much about what others think.  Hey, if I do something silly, people will laugh.  I for one am okay with that.  I love it!  Anything I can do to make someone chuckle is fine by me...even if it means me being a little bit of a fool sometimes.  I guess the trick will be in not overdoing it...ha!  Good luck with that one! 

Here's to silliness and laughing at each other!


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