The Science of Getting Rich - Book Review

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Here begins my weekly review of books.  My goal is to plow through 50 books this year alternating between fiction and non-fiction (got to diversify, you know?).  The first book of the year is a re-read of a classic that is PRICELESS in its content.


Some great points to the book itself before the review:

You can get a copy of it for free HERE.  Yes, FREE!  Absolutely no strings attached FREE.  It is amazing that a book with this caliber can be yours for nothing, thereby giving you no excuse not to have its knowledge.

This book inspired the making of "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne.  Yeppers, this is the very one.  Must be some good stuff inside to inspire such a phenomenon.  Just you keep reading.

Okay, so for the review.  This book gets 5 out of 5 stars.  It is not a book about lucre or wealth in terms of just acquiring money to rub all over yourself.  The central message to this book is about become as abundant as you possibly can be.  It's about growing to your fullest potential.  It's about staying close to God because he is the source of all that is in your life.  Needless to say this book is a deep reflection on the capabilities we have as human beings.

The part that struck me the most was the chunk of section on GRATITUDE.  I cannot even express to you how powerful it was for me to revisit that part of the book.  The author talks about being grateful as the single most important factor of our life as we try to increase our self worth.  To always recognize God's hand in our world and to stay close to him while traveling on our journeys.  The way we stay close is by continually expressing, deep, from the heart, earnest, and loving gratitude.  Say THANK YOU a lot...and mean it.

Many people out there think that the law of attraction and such is a mystical magical potion that will give you all you want just by sitting there and thinking of stuff.  The point that this book explains is that you have to give more in use value than you receive in cash value.  Translation:  Get into action!  Deliver on your promises and then some.  Give of yourself to every extent that you can.  In return it will come back to you tenfold or more.  The law of attraction is a law of action.  He who sows harvests MUST reap...that is the law.

Here is a video that will give you a quick summary of the book and it's main points.  Enjoy and pick it up!  It's free, a quick read, and incredibly valuable!


Robert Choate January 7, 2010 at 4:59 AM  

Right now the wife and I are reading Smart Couples Finish Rich by David Bach. But I liked your review. That is my dad's goal is to become basically filthy rich. His goal is about 10 million. His goal is not about the money but about the pursuit in getting there through living right in accordance to God's plan for him, building his business, and investing. It is about the knowledge he will demonstrate and acquire in his pursuit of his goal. So I think I will look into this book you have mentioned. Will look forward to your next book report.

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