Moving Preparations

Monday, January 18, 2010

Wow! A move can take a lot of time and energy to plan and execute. However, each minute is pretty exciting. Honestly, I really consider myself an expert at moving. My husband and I have moved about a dozen times in the 7 years we've been married, and I went to 7 different schools from Kindergarten through High School. Needless to say we've got most of it down pat.

One of the things I was concerned about in this out of state move is the amount of personal items that would be able to come along with us. As always the longer you spend in one place, the more you end up accumulating. Most of your accumulations are needless in terms of material value, but boy do we put an emotional price tag on those things.

Every time we move, I make it through our closets, shelves, garages, drawers, and any other crevice where space used to reside. In each of those places I go over all of the things I've stashed there for some unforetold future moment. The part I'm most proud of is that I actually do part ways with most things. I mean, really, who wants to lift and move things that aren't necessary?

This time, we're moving with as little as we can and we're just planning on building up our belongings from scratch when we arrive to the east coast. That is a venture I'm truly looking forward to. Who wants a fresh start with all your old stuff? However, for the must-take items I found a solution to a huge space dilema...the almighty SPACE BAG! No one is paying me to say this about the product, so this tidbit is my own two sense.

I went to Walmart and found them for sale and because of them I will be able to fit about 75% more clothing and bedding items that I would not be able to have taken with me given the limited space in an automobile. Not to mention once we're home, the pillows and blankets and clothing items not in use will take up minimal space once I put them in these storage containers.

So it is with a full hearted approval that I recommend these bags in your move. Even if you're just moving across town. When you move, you want to take the least amount of items with you and this is a great way to go.

More on our moving experience to come...


correspondent January 20, 2010 at 4:09 PM  

Hi there, So glad to hear that Space Bag products made packing for your move a little easier. We love hearing people's success stories! Just wanted to let you know that we've launched an online community where you can share you success stories for a chance to receive free Space Bag products. You can also review our products, sign up for our monthly newsletter and more. We hope that you'll get a chance to log onto and check it out for yourself. Thanks again for telling your readers about our products. Hope to hear from you soon. Best, Space Savers community correspondent

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