What's the Change?

Friday, January 15, 2010

Writing is as theraputic for the writer as it is for the reader. My last post consisted of how to deal with change and as I applied the three steps I wrote about, I felt better about the change happening in my life.

What change could this be? I'm moving cross-country! My husband and I have an opportunity to move back to my home state of New Jersey...yes The Garden State! This won't be the first time I've moved out of state, and in fact this long distance move is taking me back to the familiar. so it shouldn't have been so scary, but for some reason, the thought almost petrified me at first.

Maybe it's because I'm older or maybe jus because it still lies in the unknown, but I worked on myself in order to feel good about what we are doing...and now: I feel great, fired up and very excited. Although everyone we've told so far just crinkles their nose and says , new Jersey?" as if I just told them I was dying my hair purple.

Yes world, we are moving to New freakin' Jersey...and since that is where my hometown is, I couldn't be prouder!


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