Customer Service

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Customer Service?  What on earth does that have to do with Money or Mental Health?  Uhhh, only EVERYTHING.  Raise your hand (go ahead, even if you're alone at your computer) if you've ever been mistreated by someone at any kind of corporation or retail establishment.  Now, keep your hand up if the mistreatment was for no apparent reason?  Yeah, I thought so.  Too bad, isn't it?

Recently I dealt with a very sensitive transaction involving a funeral home.  You would think that someone working at a funeral home would be sensitive, caring, and definitely compassionate.  Would it surprise you if I told you that the manner in which I was treated was completely apalling?  That during the entire day of phone calls and office visits I felt as if I was the one bothering them?  Turns out, the issue I was having was squashed when the contract was pulled out and clearly displayed the solution to our situation.  It was a simple and quick fix, yet I was given a run around all day.

Recently I met with someone who told me about a poster hanging up at her office.  The title of the poster is:

10 Commandments of Customer Service

Among such "commandments" were ideas such as:

The Customer does us a favor when he calls, we do not do them a favor when we serve them.


The Customer is the most important person in any business.

As she was recounting this list to me, she snickered and laughed while explaining how much "hogwash" the statements felt like to her.  It truly saddened me.  Why is it a joke to serve the customer?  Why do some people act as if they are bothered by service.  See, the thing about customer service is that it is the ONLY reason you have a business at all.

Customers pay for your paychecks, not your bosses.  So when you are dealing with people, give them an attitude of gratitude.  They are paying your mortgage, your gas, the food you put on the table for your kids.  It's the customers!  When you begin feeling that toward them, it becomes easier and easier to show a cordial attitude toward them in your service.

What if you absolutely hate your job and are completely miserable in it?  Then start looking for something more suitable to your personality, but don't diss the customer of your current place of employment in the mean time.  Be respectbale and remember the golden rule:

Treat others as you would wanted to be treated.

This will go a long way for us in life.


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