Money Mindset

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Money is not important.

Money isn't everthing.

Blah... Blah... Blah...

You've heard people say things like this plenty of times, haven't you?  You might have even had these words slip from your tongue a time or two in the past as well.  Do Not Fret.  It's okay, take a deep breath and let's start over.

The rationalization for saying things like the statements above comes from lack of money.  It is pretty evident that people who are financial wealthy do not go around saying things like, "Money doesn't buy happiness."  You can be assured that words such as those come out of the mouths of those labeled BROKE!

Imagine saying to your spouse "You aren't important" or "You aren't everything" or any other similar combo.  How long do you think it would be before you would start having troubles in your marriage?  It is very easy to see that example, however, with money people seem to push that out of their head as they justify why they have none.

Recently we met with a family member to say good bye before our big move next week.  She is older and always always always is reprimanding us for not being spiritual enough.  What she means by that is that we focus too much on money (well, first of all we are in the money business) and that talking about retiring young and being financially wealthy aren't heavenly attributes.  Every now and then she throws in a tease about having made our millions, yet.

This experience each time we meet doesn't really bother me much at all anymore.  I understand that we all have different views and opinions and we are all entitled to them equally.  But the interesting thing that happened recently made me smirk in response to how contradictory humans can be in regards to money.

Her husband lost his work.  Guess what that means?  Yep, no more MONEY coming in.  Guess how spiritual she's feeling right now?  Well, let's just say there's too much stress right now to worry about how to help the poor somewhere else.  Her prayers are filled with suplications of providence instead of other spiritual matters.  She just doesn't know what she's going to do.  How terrible is that situation?  She's 73 years old!

Don't worry about her, she will be cared for by family and those who love her.  But can you see my point in this post?  Money is important and it is good.  It is a tool that can bring options to your life, your family's life and the life of many many many other beings on this planet.  Can we control what others do with their money?  No.  We can only control ourselves, and it is our duty to be good stewards of the money we are given and to multiply it.  It is not enough to bury it in the ground for later, either.

Next time someone tells you money isn't important, you automatically know in your head that they don't have any.  Until they change the way they feel about it, more won't be coming into their pocket any time soon either.

Make the choice to treat money with respect and appreciate it for the tool that it can be for us in our lives.  Only after such a mental shift, can more of it pour into our life.


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