
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Do you catch yourself staying up late into the night with thoughts about your future and all the great things you'll accomplish?  Do you find yourself looking out of windows and being labeled a day dreamer because your mind is racing a mile a minute thinking of all you plan to do with yourself?  Before you go on thinking that this is a habit you need to correct, you should smile inwardly knowing that you are among a very small percentage of people that have something to day dream about.

Most of the time we are told in school to focus on the lesson, or at the dinner table to slow down and stay in tune with the family conversation.  There is definitely a time and place for all those instances, but when you have a burning desire festering up deep within you; good luck squashing that.  In fact, you should keep on that route so your fires continue to spread and like wild fire manifest incredible things in your life.

In Napoleon Hill's Book "Think and Grow Rich" he talks about developing a WHITE HEAT BURNING DESIRE for the thing you want.  Many of us fall short right there.  We've self developed, we've set goals, we've even found mentors and coaches that will help us keep on track of our path.  However, we stop at the point where we become consumed with such things.  We get caught up in the day to day rituals of everyday life and we soon find other things to occupy the space in our minds.

Whatever your goal may be, grow it, breed it, make it larger than you are.  In times of no motivation and idleness, that desire can fuel you toward the action you need to take to move forward and make massive progress.


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