Following Your Passion

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Recently I changed the poll question on this blog to: 

If you were given $100 Million would you still work at your current job/business?

The majority answer so far is "NO" and it stays within the SURPRISE category in my brain.  Really?  If you would really truly quit doing what you are doing now if you had enough cash flow to take care of your necessities then why oh why are you still doing it now?

I understand, we can't all just up and quit from our jobs right now and be able to make it through a month's worth of bills, right?  Wrong!  Other than the obvious fact that we should have emergency funds set aside so we can support ourselves (another post for another time), we live in a time of freedom and creativity.  Especially if you live in the United States, you can earn money LEGALLY without having to be in a J-O-B on a daily basis.  Especially with what people are making nowadays.  Take a look at this:

The average income in the US was:  $46,326. 

Click hereto view the rest of the statistics.

That is an average of just under $3,861 per month.  I am venturing to guess that most of you who read this blog who earn in that proximity or even less are some of you who are voting "no" as an answer to my poll.  So if you earn less than $1,000 per week, and are hating life during the hours of 8:00AM - 5:00PM, I hope there is heavy consideration from you in regards to ideas of how to break free from the rat race.

How to replace $1,000 / week in the USA?  Sell stuff, start a business, join a business, become self employed.  Don't have a lot of money to start a business?  You shouldn't have to.  If you're looking to make an average wage, yet not have to report to anyone the thing you need most is a desire to succeed and a drive and motivation to work in spite of whatever your mood may be for the day.

We'll begin discussing business ideas and money making creativities in the posts to come, but if you're not happy than for the love of all that's good...MAKE A CHANGE!


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