The end of Summer is a great time of year for outdoor exercise. My husband got me started on running at nights when we get home, and though I had a miserable experience with it the first few times, now I not only get through it, but I come to look forward to it. So, last night was no different. I strapped up my two mutts and away we went.
The run itself was non eventful. I ran to my post and then turned around and headed back. My two dogs have completely different personalities. The bigger one is a bit of a spaz when it comes to exploring the great outdoors. She usually is in front and swaying from side to side as we make way. My smaller dog is a great runner. You wouldn't even know you have a dog with you. I take her leash and slip it through my wrist as she keeps pace with no difficulty. Sometimes I think she knows how spazzy the other one is, because she is content to be behind me.

So there we were, a trio train of joggers during an early September night. My husband was mowing the lawn so he passed on the jog this time but I was pleasantly surprised to find him half way back home as he trotted to catch up to where we were. When I saw him, I immediately handed him the leash to my little Spaz-o-matic and we finished our trek. After running we usually take a stroll around our block before heading in the house.
When we began the walk portion of our nightly exercise, we switched dogs. My husband took the calm one and I got the freak-a-zoid. We walked and walked and my husband took the lead. I was wrestling with my big one until she realized we were just walking. Nothing meteorically exciting was about to happen. However, she still pulled and sniffed every square inch of ground she could find. That is when it dawned on me!
I literally had a conversation with my pup (albeit one-sided) that went something like this, "You know, you are a dog with a zest for life. I really admire that about you! You are always excited and you always want to make things as interesting as possible. Do you know what you're missing out on, though?" No answer on her part, just more sniffing. "You're missing out on life! You are so worried about what is happening next, you're not enjoying what is happening right now!"
There was a little twilight zone moment that happened to me right there and then, because I thought about my own life! Every time we "look forward" to something or "worry" about something, we are spending our energies on what is going to happen. We sometimes spend so much time on those thoughts, that we don't enjoy what we are experiencing right at that moment. What a tragedy it would be to miss out on life just because we were always concerned with a date that never seems to come: TOMORROW.
Let this little thought travel with you today. Be
here in the moment in all you do! Enjoy the

experience as it comes in front of you, and all else falls into place.